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Nova Southeastern University's Fischler School of Education and Human Services online publication Innovate: Journal of Online Education has published its final volume. All previously published materials continue to be available below and by browsing by issue in the sidebar.
All exhibits, tables and figures that have remained available have been included as additional content with their respective articles to be downloaded separately. Unfortunately, not all the supplemental files have survived until 2015 and some will be missing from the article pages. If you are an author in Innovate and would like to have your supplemental content included, please email the NSUWorks repository administrator at nsuworks@nova.edu.
Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 6 (2009) August/September 2009
The Arts 3D VLE Metaverse as a Network of Imagination
Ulrich Rauch, Marvin Cahodas, and Tim Wang
Genome Island: A Virtual Science Environment in Second Life
Mary Anne Clark
Preparing Graduate Students for Virtual World Simulations: Exploring the Potential of an Emerging Technology
Anne M. Hewitt, Susan Spencer, Danielle Mirliss, and Riad Twal
EagleRacing: Addressing Corporate Collaboration Challenges Through an Online Simulation Game
Albert A. Angehrn and Katrina Maxwell
Positioning Faculty Support as a Strategy in Assuring Quality Online Education
Hong Wang, Lawrence V. Gould, and Dennis King
Evolution of a Computer-Based Testing Laboratory
Patrick Moskal, Richard Caldwell, and Taylor Ellis
Innovate-Ideagora: Addressing Core Questions
Denise Easton and Alan McCord