Full Issue
Journal of International and Comparative Law
Journal of International and Comparative Law
United States Foreign Assistance: Beyond Good Intentions And Toward Accountability
James Filpi and Luke Murry
The Formal Validity Of The Mortis Causa Provisions In The Regulations 650/2012 (EU): An Article On Spanish Law
Dr. Lidia Arnau Raventos
Addressing Prison Overcrowding In Latin America: A Comparative Analysis Of The necessary Precursors To Reform
Cindy S. Woods
Are Cubans Unjustly Favored Relative To Non-Cubans Immigrants? - An Understanding Of the Communist Reality In Cuba And The Legitimacy Of the Cuban Adjustment Act
Leslie Perez Perez
Asistencia Al Exterior Por Parte De Los Estados Unidos: mas Alla De Buenas Intenciones Y Hacia la Imputabilidad
James Filpi and Luke Murry
La Validez Formal De Las Dispisciones Mortis Causa En El Reglamento 650/2012 (UE): Una Lectura Desde El Derecho Espanol
Dra. Lidia Arnau Raventos