Policies | NSU ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law | Shepard Broad College of Law | Nova Southeastern University
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law



Submission Guidelines

The ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law welcomes manuscripts on current topics of interest to the international law community.

The ILSA Journal dedicates a portion of each issue to showcasing student research in international law. The ILSA Journal gladly considers notes, comments, and essays written by law students.

Electronic submission is preferred, as an email attachment in Microsoft Word v. 7.0 or above. Send electronic submissions to ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com attn: Lead Articles Editor.

All manuscripts must be footnoted (not endnoted), and citations must conform to the current edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Harvard University, U.S.A.).

Although English is preferred, the ILSA Journal also accepts manuscripts written in Spanish.

Authors accepted to the ILSA Journal may be asked to provide copies of sources. The ILSA Journal reserves the right to refuse to publish any article for which sources cannot be verified, or for which verification of sources, in ILSA Journal's judgment, unreasonably interferes with ILSA Journal's printing or editing deadlines.

Hard copy manuscripts are accepted but must be accompanied by a 3.5-inch diskette containing the article in Microsoft Word v. 7.0 or above.

To ensure timely receipt of a hard copy manuscript, please send it by overnight or second day mail to:

Lead Articles Editor
ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law
Nova Southeastern University
Shepard Broad Law Center
3305 College Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314 U.S.A.
Phone - 386-747-4936

All submissions will be evaluated as promptly as possible. The ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law assumes no responsibility for the return of electronic or hard copy manuscripts or diskettes.

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The ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law hereby grants permission for paper photocopies and excerpts of all articles on which it holds copyright to be made and used by nonprofit educational institutions, provided that the copies are distributed at or below cost, the author and the Journal are identified, and the following notice is affixed to each copy:

"Originally appearing in the ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, a publication of the International Law Students Association, Washington, D.C."

All other rights are reserved, including without limitation all rights to electronic reproduction. For other use permission, contact the ILSA Journal at ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com attn: Editor-in-Chief.

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Regular annual subscriptions are renewed automatically unless the subscriber sends a timely notice of termination. All notifications of address changes should include the old and new addresses.


Unless otherwise noted, all dollars are United States funds and all subscriptions are for a full year (three issues of ILSA Journal).

Regular Domestic Subscribers - U.S. $40.00
Our current United States subscribers include law schools, law school libraries, government and private institutional law libraries, and individuals. "Domestic" United States subscribers include those in the continental United States, the U.S.V.I., Guam, and Puerto Rico. ILSA Journal does not offer an institutional discount.

To subscribe as a regular domestic subscriber, email ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com, attn: Subscriptions Editor.

Regular International Subscribers - U.S. $45.00
Our current International subscribers include law schools around the world, government law libraries, international institutions, and individuals. "International" subscribers include those in Canada and Mexico, Central and South America, and all other continents.

To subscribe as a regular domestic subscriber, email ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com, attn: Subscriptions Editor.

ILSA Member Domestic Subscribers - U.S. $12.50
Members of the International Law Students Association who live in the contiguous United States, Alaska, and United States territories receive an ILSA Journal discount on annual subscriptions as a membership benefit.

To join ILSA and subscribe as a member, contact the International Law Students Association at http://www.ilsa.org.

ILSA Member International Subscribers - U.S. $15.00
Members of the Members of the International Law Students Association who live overseas also receive an ILSA Journal discount on annual subscriptions as a membership benefit.

To join ILSA and subscribe as a member, contact the International Law Students Association at http://www.ilsa.org.

Members of the ABA Section of International Law & Practice
ABASILP members receive the ILSA Journal's IPN Edition each year as a membership benefit, at our single-issue price of $8.50. To find out more about the ABA Section of International Law and Practice, see the ABA's website at http://www.abanet.org/intlaw/.


If you are a subscriber who has not received an issue of ILSA Journal you were expecting, contact your subscriptions company or contact us directly at ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com, attn: Subscriptions Editor.

Single Issue Orders

William S. Hein & Co., Inc. has purchased the entire back stock and reprint rights of the ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law. Individual issues or entire sets are available from William S. Hein & Co., 1285 Main Street, Buffalo, New York, 15209.

The ILSA Journal also makes single issues in our current volume year available at a single-issue price of U.S. $8.50. For more information, contact ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com, attn: Subscriptions Editor.

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Information for ILSA Journal Candidates

Qualification Overview

Journal membership is a two-step process: 1) qualification for the ILSA Journal Summer Candidacy Program, and 2) completion of the ILSA Journal Summer Candidacy Program.

Step One: Qualification - You can join ILSA Journal's Summer Candidacy Program in one of three ways:

  • Grade-on - (Rising 2Ls only) - Twice each year, the Dean's office will email all students a waiver form and a GPA calculation guide. Grade-on eligibility requirements consist of the following: (1) a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater with a GPA of 3.1 or greater in either semester; or (2) a grade of B+ or greater in either Legal Research and Writing I or II with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or greater. If you meet either of the eligibility requirements, you can receive an automatic invitation to ILSA Journal’s Summer Candidacy Program.

In early summer, the Dean sends to ILSA Journal a list of people who indicate they would like to receive candidacy information from ILSA Journal. You must put a signed waiver form on file at the Dean's office to receive this invitation.

  • Write-on - (Rising 2Ls and rising 3Ls) - In spring or early summer, all students are invited to participate in a write-on competition. You write a closed memorandum that is evaluated by ILSA Journal's Board of Editors. If the memorandum is of ILSA Journal quality and you have a 2.5 cumulative GPA, you will receive an invitation to the ILSA Journal's summer candidacy program.
  • Translation - (Rising 2Ls and rising 3Ls) - In spring or early summer, all Spanish-speakers are invited to participate in ILSA Journal's translation competition. You translate a short memorandum and your translation work is evaluated by ILSA Journal's Board of Editors. If your translation work is of ILSA Journal quality and you have a 2.5 cumulative GPA, you will receive an invitation to the ILSA Journal's summer candidacy program.

Step Two: Completion - Everyone who accepts our invitation to the ILSA Journal's Summer Candidacy Program (grade-on, write-on, or translation) will spend your summer writing a 20-25 page research paper on a topic of international law. You may select your own topic and writing guidelines are provided. A member of our Board of Editors serves as your personal editor for the summer to answer questions as you work.

At the end of the summer or in early fall, ILSA Journal's Board of Editors evaluates your project. If your paper is of C+ or better quality, you become a Junior Staff Member of the ILSA Journal.

The ILSA Journal conducts bluebook and citation training for new members in the fall when everyone returns to campus. We do not schedule classes during the summer.

The paper you write can be submitted to satisfy NSU Law's writing requirement, and at your option it will also be considered for publication in the ILSA Journal.

Membership Benefits & Obligations
  • Academic Credit - As an ILSA Journal Junior Staff Member, you can elect to receive NSU Law credit: 1/2 credit in Fall Semester and 1/2 credit in Winter Semester for a total of 1 ILSA Journal credit during your first membership year. If you choose to spend a second year with ILSA Journal, you will be Senior Staff Member or Board of Editors member and eligible for additional credit or tuition remission, depending on your position.
  • Writing Requirement - You can submit your Summer Candidacy paper to fulfill NSU Law's writing requirement (usually this requirement is otherwise filled by taking a seminar class). ILSA Journal will help you arrange with a professor for writing requirement review.
  • Time Commitment - The ILSA Journal is a significant extracurricular activity. Junior Staff Members sign an ILSA Journal contract committing to working two (2) office hours per week, to attending ILSA Journal's training/orientation meetings, to attending ILSA Journal's Final Edits (where we give articles a final review and assemble them for our books), to meeting routine deadlines for article preparation work, and to attending mandatory events that might be scheduled from time to time.
  • Career Development - Some On-Campus Interview (OCI) employers require publication membership, and many prefer it. You can check with the Career Development office for a list of employers who want to see a publication membership on your resume.
  • Resume Development - As a summer candidate, you will be invited to list your ILSA Journal affiliation on your resume.
  • Publication Opportunity - You can ask the Board of Editors to consider your Summer Candidate paper for publication in ILSA Journal. ILSA Journal, by contract with ILSA, prepares each issue to feature 20-30% student work. In recent years we have published between 4 and 8 member articles each year.
  • Travel Opportunity - As a Board of Editors member in your second year, you will be considered for travel to Washington, D.C., New York, N.Y., and other locations for ILSA conferences.
  • Specialized Training - All Junior Staff Members are invited to express a preference for bluebooking, source-pulling (legal research), computer work, and/or text editing. ILSA Journal provides all materials and training to help you build skills in your work area. Legal employers may be especially interested in your ability to research international legal materials; your proficiency in word processing; or your proofreading skills.
  • Other Benefits - ILSA Journal members receive access to the private ILSA Journal office for study and work; access to the ILSA Journal outline bank; information about other journals' publication opportunities; information about writing competitions; and advance information about other universities' study-abroad programs.
For More Information

Feel free to call us at 561-400-7283 or email ilsa.journal.novasoutheastern@gmail.com to speak to anyone on our current staff. Don't be shy! We enjoy talking about what we do.

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General Terms and Conditions of Use

Users of the NSUWorks website and/or software agree not to misuse the NSUWorks service or software in any way.

The failure of NSUWorks to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between NSUWorks and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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