
Submissions from 2010

What We Need to Know about Working with Second Language & Bilingual Writers: Attitudes, Principles, Strategies, and Issues, Kevin Dvorak

Exploring Unchartered Professional Ground(s): Notes from Hosting Four Mini-­Regional Conferences in SWCA 2010—Experiment and Experience, Kevin Dvorak, L. Bokus, Shanti Bruce, C. Cozzens, K. Jordan, and S. Price

Collaborative Efforts to Encourage Faculty Ownership of WAC, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Using Creative, Writing-­Based Directed Learning Activities in Teaching and Tutoring Underprepared First-­year College Writers, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, and D. Pichardo

Using Spanish While Tutoring English: A Qualitative Study of Sessions Involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, and A. Valdes

Building Bridges between a University Writing Center and a Local High School, Kevin Dvorak, J. Cerderiras, and K. Mejia

Stay-­at-­home Professionals: Facilitating Professional Development without Leaving Home, Kevin Dvorak and Harry Denny

Building Bridges between a University Writing Center and a Local High School, Kevin Dvorak, D. Pichardo, K. Palacio, and T. Atwell

¿Usando español para tutoría en ingles?: A Study of Writing Center Tutoring Sessions involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Kevin Dvorak and A. Valdes

Minimizing Disaster Risk Factors Through Sound Planning and Policy, Ransford F. Edwards

Narratives on Narratives Compose One Universe: The Synchronic Texts of Swift, Burke, and Pope in Joyce’s ‘Ithaca’, Aileen Miyuki Farrar

Say What? The History, Function, and Cultural Concerns of Offensive Language, Megan Fitzgerald

Telling the Story: What to Expect Working for Your College Newspaper, Megan Fitzgerald

Bioluminescence 2009: Living Light on the Deep-Sea Floor, Tamara M. Frank, Sönke Johnsen, Edith A. Widder, Charles Messing, and Steven H.D. Haddock

Fables, Myths, Stories: Writing and Rewriting Others in Fábulas de una abuela extraterrestre, Yvette Fuentes

Making the Invisible, Visible: The Body and the Nation in Laura Ruiz Montes’ A Ciegas, Yvette Fuentes

P.M., Piñera and Padilla: Early Censorship in Cuba, Yvette Fuentes

Hear Me Mother: Ritual Art and Worship in Chicago’s Street Art Murals, Amanda Furiasse

Atmospheric Aerosols – Impact on Global Climate, Air Quality and Water Quality, Song Gao

Atmospheric Aerosols – Towards a Better Understanding of Global Climate, Song Gao

Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Aerosols – Identity, Origin, Evolution, Song Gao

A 21st Century Approach to Diversity in Conflict Resolution, Alexia S. Georgakopoulos

Can Male Mimicry Explain Geographic and Ontogenetic Color Variation in a Female Polymorphic Damselfly?, Eben Gering and Molly Cummings

America’s Idol? How the Contestant Most Voted for Doesn’t Always Win, Jason Gershman

America’s Idol? How the Contestant Most Voted for Doesn’t Always Win, Jason Gershman

Deal or No Deal? Fair or Not Fair?, Jason Gershman

Deal or No Deal? Fair or Not Fair?, Jason Gershman

Geometry: Area, Jason Gershman

Geometry: Coordinate Geometry, Jason Gershman

How to Use Mathematics to Win at Fantasy Sports, Jason Gershman

Incorporating Gene Ontology in Clustering Time-Course Gene-Expression Array Data, Jason Gershman

Incorporating Gene Ontology in Clustering Time-Course Gene-Expression Array Data, Jason Gershman

Math and Computing in the 21st Century, Jason Gershman

Math in the Ballroom: Does Your Vote Matter on Dancing with the Stars?, Jason Gershman

Boundary Data Smoothness for Solutions of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for nth Order Differential and Difference Equations, Jason Gershman and Jeffrey W. Lyons

An Effective Pedagogical Approach to Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Organic Chemistry Lab Experiments, Dimitri Giarikos

Exploring the Formation of Novel Nitrogen-Containing Compounds in the Urban Atmosphere by Laboratory Experiments, Dimitri Giarikos

Synthesis and Incorporation of Photoactive Chlorin-Heme Dimers into Proteins, Dimitri Giarikos

Does Live Release Provide an Effective Means of Reducing Fishing Mortality on Istiophorid Billfishes?, John E. Graves and David W. Kerstetter


To Find Love, the Barnacle Grows a Stretchy, Accordion-Like Penis, Mara Grunbaum and J. Matthew Hoch

Localized Activity States for Neuronal Field Models of Feature Selectivity, Evan Haskell

Localized Activity States for Neuronal Field Models of Feature Selectivity in a Stimulus Space with Toroidal Topology, Evan Haskell

NSU’s Top Models: Zombie Attack Heartbeats, Evan Haskell

Keynote Lecture, Matthew He

Lecture, Matthew He

Plenary Lecture, Matthew He


Distribution of Zooplankton Densities Associated with the Florida Current and Subsurface, Amy Hirons, Jonathan Shenker, and Alexander Soloviev

Experimental Tests of Sex Allocation Theory in Two Species of Simultaneously Hermaphroditic Acorn Barnacles, J. Matthew Hoch and Jeffrey S. Levinton


Monitoring Fish Communities and Populations on the Eastern Boundary of Everglades National Park, J. Matthew Hoch, Eric R. Sokol, and Joel C. Trexler


Bathypelagic Food Web Structure of the Northern Atlantic Mid-Atlantic Ridge Based on Stable Isotope Analysis, Joel C. Hoffman and Tracey Sutton

Poe at the Multiplex: Of Dungeons and Dragons Tattoos, Christine Jackson

Poe’s Psycho-Fantastic Voyage on Reality TV, Christine Jackson

Tenney Anyone?: Ten Reasons to Read Tabitha Tenney’s, Christine Jackson

The Pediatric Foot, Mark Jaffe

Working Together to Manage Diabetes: Pharmacy, Podiatry, Optometry, and Dentistry, Mark Jaffe

Diabetic Foot Myths, Mark A. Jaffe


Assembling the Echinoderm Tree of Life: Challenges and Plans, Daniel A. Janies, Tomasz K. Baumiller, David Foltz, Rebecca Hunter, Thomas Kammer, Alexander Kerr, Charles Messing, Greg W. Rouse, Colin Sumrall, Greg A. Wray, W. I. Ausich, C. L. Mah, and D. Swofford

Structural and Functional Specificity of Rab5 Activating Protein-6 (RAP6), Ivan Jozic, Silva M. Rodriguez, and M. A. Barbieri

Visions of Nature and Place in Myth and Story Among Campesinos in Veracruz, Mexico, Edward O. Keith, Eileen Smith-Cavros, and Sylvia Duluc-Silva

Alternate Pathways to a Career in Science, David Kerstetter

Untying the Gordian Knot: Perspectives on a Decade of Pelagic Fisheries Bycatch Research, David Kerstetter

Challenges of Bycatch Reduction in Pelagic Longline Fisheries, David W. Kerstetter

Science Where the Line Meets the Water: An Introduction to Fisheries Research, David W. Kerstetter

Making Lemonade from Lemons: Using Pelagic Longline Gear Behavior TDR Data for Insights Into Post-Hooking Behavior of Fishes, David W. Kerstetter and G. M. Archer

Making Lemonade from Lemons: Using Pelagic Longline Gear Behavior TDR Data for Insights into Post-Hooking Behavior of Fishes, David W. Kerstetter and G. M. Archer

Pop-up Satellite Archival Tag (PSAT) Tagging of Two Lemon Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in the Florida Straits within an Acoustic Tagging Network, David W. Kerstetter, Todd Gedamke, Brian Franks, Steven Kessel, and Samuel Gruber

Influence of Water Temperature on Behaviour and Migration of Adult Lemon Shark (Negaprion brevirostris) Throughout the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, Steven Kessel, Samuel Gruber, Todd Gedamke, Brian Franks, Demian D. Chapman, David W. Kerstetter, David Fugate, and Rupert Perkins

Being a Member of the Colored Race’: The Mission of Charles Young, Military Attaché to Haiti, 1904-07, David P. Kilroy

The White House Architect: James Hoban and Transatlantic Identity, David P. Kilroy

Five Things to Teach in 1101, Juliette Kitchens

Who Tells Our Story?: [Re]Inscribing Agency in [Re]Visions of Lore, Juliette Kitchens

Writing Center Praxis, Juliette Kitchens

a little bit of nothing about everything, Elana Lanczi

Dance Improvisation Masterclass, Elana Lanczi

Dress Code/Respond If You Please, Elana Lanczi

Florida Dance Education Organization Conference, Elana Lanczi

haveNOT, Elana Lanczi

Improvisation Skills Workshop Series, Elana Lanczi

Holocene Paleosol Radiocarbon Ages and Sod Table Morphology in the White River Badlands Reveal Erosion Rates of 1-4 Cm/Yr, or More, in the Last 800 Years, Eric Leithauser, Patrick A. Burkhart, and Paul E. Baldauf

Prussia, Good and Evil, Stephen R. Levitt

Visions of Prussia: Good and Evil, Stephen R. Levitt

Bacchanalia, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Academic Services Tutoring Workshop, Claire Lutkewitte

A Sticky Wiki: When Things Don’t Go Well in Writing Classrooms, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Native Instructors, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Native Instructors, Claire Lutkewitte

When Students Seek Tutors’ Help in Composing Multimodal Documents, Claire Lutkewitte

Boundary Data Smoothness for Solutions of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for nth Order Difference Equations, Jeffrey W. Lyons

A Predictive Habitat Model for the Reef Fish, Rainbow Parrotfish Scarus guacamaia, Ethan G. P. Machemer, David W. Kerstetter, and John F. Walter III

A Preliminary Study of the Pseudobranch Associated with the Spiracle in the North American Paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, K. M. Maroni, Robin L. Sherman, and Richard E. Spieler

Laziness and the Technê of New Media, Eric Daniel Mason


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community Development and Sustainability through Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurs, Judith Mckay

The Typology of Family Violence, Judith Mckay


Integrating Fine Art and Science to Better Understand the South Dakota Badlands, Katherine Mickle, Paul E. Baldauf, Patrick A. Burkhart, and Eli Blasko

Encouraging Interaction: Collaboration in the Classroom, Janine Morris

Feeding an Image: Identity Formation and the Experience of Consumption, Janine Morris

Google Maps Identity Search: Identity and Self-Construction, Janine Morris

Isolating the Body: Confronting Idealized Representations of Corporeality in Literature, Janine Morris

It's Bigger than Coffee: Starbucks Mediation of Consumer Identity, Janine Morris

Remixing Google Maps as Portolios: The Cartography Mix, Janine Morris