
Submissions from 2012

TPk Completion Problem, Shahla Nasserasr

Lasers, Proteins, and Alzheimer's, Louis R. Nemzer


Abstract: H40.00004 : Lysozyme Aggregation and Fibrillation Monitored by Dynamic Light Scattering, Louis R. Nemzer, Bret Flanders, Jeremy D. Schmit, and Christopher M. Sorensen

AN-446 a Bi-Functional Codrug of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Valproic Acid Linked to the Antiviral Agent Acyclovir as a Targeted Anti-Cancer Agent, E. Nissim-Bardugo, M. Weitman, S. Sochotnik, G. Berkovitch-Luria, Carmit Alexenberg, N. Tarasenko, P. Boer, A. Rephaeli, and A. Nudelman

Complete Protection and Glycosylation of 5-Hydroxy-DL-Lysine, Lindsey Nowland and Beatrix Aukszi

Isolation and Characterizations of Neurons and Astrocytes from Rat Brains, Larisa Odessky, Jenny Estrin, Paula A. Faria Waziry, and Michelle A. Clark

Total Synthesis of Functionalized Acenes, Reena Parikh, Beatrix Aukszi, and Donald Baird

Neurogenesis of a Novel Pluripotent Stem Cell Population from Adult Periodontal Ligament, Devon Pawley, M Izquierdo, Veronica R. Fortino, Daniel Pelaez, and Herman S. Cheung

Optimizing outcomes of the Combinatorial Effect of Viral Chemotherapy in an in-vitro model by using the fractionator, Monica G. Pessanha, Paula A. Faria Waziry, Ana M. Castejon, and Luigi X. Cubeddu

Assessment of Exposure to Cytochrome P4501a1-Inducing Pollutants in Pelagic Fishes from the Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Through Analysis of Liver EROD Activity, Andrew Piercy, James Gelsleichter, Michael McCallister, David W. Kerstetter, and Robert E. Hueter

Song of the Shirt, Annette M. Piskel

Narratives of Othering: Immigrants in South Africa's Newspapers, J. Ramaprasad, K. Lang, and Whitney Sessa Lehmann

Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention: Predicting Behavioral Intention and Attitude, J. Ramaprasad, Whitney Sessa Lehmann, and K. Lang

Avoiding The Recess Effect: The Dynamic of Inclusion and Exclusion, Claire Michele Rice and L. A. Rice

The importance of natural history and research collections to environmental reconstruction and remediation, and the establishment of shifting baselines, Deanne Roopnarine, Peter D. Roopnarine, Laurie C. Anderson, David P. Gillikin, and J. Leal

Periodicity and Synchronization in Malaria Infection with Immune Response, Shigui Ruan

These Two Pretty Children/Flew Away: Myth and Migration in the Night of the Hunter, Marlisa Santos

Use and implications of the harmonic mean model on mixtures for basic research and drug discovery, Radleigh Santos, Marc Giulianotti, Colette T. Dooley, Clemencia Pinilla, Jon R. Appel, and Richard A. Houghten

Negotiating Issues of Literacy and Writer Identity in the Multimodal Medium of Comics, Molly J. Scanlon

Reflections on Research, Emily F. Schmitt Lavin

Somalia and the Arab World, Mary Hope Schwoebel

Women’s Access to Justice where Multiple Justice Systems Co-exist, Mary Hope Schwoebel


‘Gangsta Monstas’: Hollywood’s Ghoulish Imaginings of Caribbean Gangsters, Andrea Elizabeth Shaw-Nevins


Obi or The History of Three-Fingered Jack: Colonial Europe’s Literary Haunting of the Caribbean, Andrea Elizabeth Shaw-Nevins

The Fantastic and Britain’s Early Literary Imaginings of the West Indies, Andrea Elizabeth Shaw-Nevins

Breastfeeding and Body Burden: Health, Messaging, and Power, Eileen M. Smith-Carvos

My Life has Been One of Struggles: Elder Health Concerns and Treatment in Rual Ghana., Eileen M. Smith-Cavros, Joyce Y. Avotri-Wuaku, M. Zikofsky, and I. Vicansky

My Life has Been One of Struggles: Elder Health Concerns and Treatment in Rural Ghana, Eileen M. Smith-Cavros, Joyce Y. Avotri-Wuaku, M. Zikofsky, and I. Vicansky

A programmed Allee effect causes a tradeoff between dispersal and survival in engineered bacteria, Robert P. Smith

Synthetic biology: what is it and what can we do with it, Robert P. Smith

The inoculum effect and band-pass bacterial response to periodic antibiotic treatment, Robert P. Smith and L. You

The inoculum effect and band-pass bacterial response to periodic antibiotic treatment, Robert P. Smith and L. You

The Influence of Ecological Context Over Community Assembly Processes and Diversity Patterns, Eric R. Sokol, J. E. Barrett, J. Matthew Hoch, and Joel C. Trexler

American Literature: The Internet and Other Media, Yair Solan

Striking Stereopticon Views’: Edith Wharton’s ‘Bunner Sisters’ and Nineteenth-Century Magic Lantern Entertainment, Yair Solan

The Navigator, Yair Solan

Effect of Surfactants on Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity, Alexander Soloviev, N. Kurata, K. Vella, Aurelien Tartar, S. Matt, Mahmood Shivji, A. Fujimura, and W. Perrie

Dynamical Systems and Computational Modeling in Social Psychology, Urszula A. Strawinska-Zanko

Modes of Self-Directed Attention: Dynamic Model of Self-Concept Formation and Expression, Urszula A. Strawinska-Zanko, Andrzej Nowak, and Robin R. Vallacher


The Bathypelagic Biome of the Atlantic Ocean: Character and Ecological Discreteness of the Fish Fauna, Tracey Sutton, Odd Aksel Bergstad, Ann Bucklin, Scott E. Burghart, April B. Cook, Tone Falkenhaug, T. L. Hopkins, F. M. Porteiro, Sigrid Schiel, Joseph J. Torres, M. Vecchione, and Peter Wiebe

Integrating multiple ‘-omics’ analyses for the development of novel bioinsecticides against mosquitoes, Aurelien Tartar

Mining the Lagenidium giganteum transcriptome for novel insecticides, Aurelien Tartar

Mosquito control: a local and global challenge, Aurelien Tartar

Abortion Law: Past, Present, and Future, Vicki L. Toscano

Law, Abortion, and Motherhood, Vicki L. Toscano

Law, Abortion, and Motherhood, Vicki L. Toscano

Some New Majorization Inequalities for Matrices, Ramazan Turkmen

Blurring the Lines Between Writing Centers and Writing Classrooms: How Writing Fellows, Embedded Tutoring, and Course-Based Tutoring Programs Can Improve First-year Composition Courses, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Writing Style and the Rhetorical Tradition, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Sensitive fluorescence detection using a camera from the gaming industry, Brian L. Van Hoozen Jr., J. P. Korterik, K. de Bruin, W. Nagengast, J. L. Herek, and H. L. Offerhaus

Sensitive Fluorescence Detection Using a Camera from the Gaming Industry, Brian L. Van Hoozen Jr., J. P. Korterik, K. de Bruin, W. Nagenghast, J. L. Herek, and H. L. Offerhaus

A New Method for the Identification of Surfactant-Producing or Transforming Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer, K. Vella, N. Kurata, Alexander Soloviev, S. Matt, Mahmood Shivji, and Aurelien Tartar

Sleep gene polymorphisms and psychological health: A translational approach, T. Viena, A. I. Fins, Aurelien Tartar, and Jaime L. Tartar


The Femme Fatale Re-born, aka Hollywood's 21st Century Warrior Woman, Kate Waites


Dredging and Shipping Impacts on Southeast Florida Coral Reefs, Brian K. Walker, David S. Gilliam, Richard E. Dodge, and Joanna Walczak

Simvastatin Induces Nucleoporins Rae1/ mrnp41 and Nup98 via a STAT-1 pathway, and Modulates Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Replication, Paula A. Faria Waziry

Habitat Utilization and Short-Duration Movements of the Pelagic Stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea in the Western North Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Mexico, Tiffany A. Weidner, C. Cotton, and David W. Kerstetter

Becoming an Academic Administrator, Honggang Yang

Keeping up a Balance between Life and Work as a Campus Leader, Honggang Yang and G Chan

A Conflict of Strategies: Thurgood Marshall and the Civil Rights Movement, Charles L. Zelden

Election 2012: What Happened and Why, Charles L. Zelden

Making Sense of Reapportionment, Charles L. Zelden

The Long Civil Rights Movement, Charles L. Zelden

The Reapportionment Dilemma, Charles L. Zelden

Thurgood and the Two Preachers: Differing Modes of Civil Rights Reform in the 1950s and 1960s, Charles L. Zelden

What to Expect in the November Election, Charles L. Zelden

Why Bush v. Gore Still Matters, Charles L. Zelden

Generalized Matrix Functions, Fuzhen Zhang

Majorization Inequalities, Fuzhen Zhang

Schur Complements and Computation, Fuzhen Zhang

The Schur Complement, Fuzhen Zhang

The Schur Complement: A survey, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2011

To Belt or Not To Belt?, Bill J. Adams

To Belt or Not To Belt?, Bill J. Adams

A Method for Finding the Number of Clusters, Ahmed Albatineh

Sports Apparel DIYers: Circumventing Corporate Authority and Subverting Hypermasculinity in Sports Fandom, Stephen Andon

Bureaucratic Corruption in Ghana, Joyce Y. Avotri-Wuaku

Going Home to Conduct Research, Joyce Y. Avotri-Wuaku and Albert K. Wuaku


Mass Wasting and Quaternary Landscape Development, Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Paul E. Baldauf and Patrick A. Burkhart

Japan Nuclear Accident: Scientific Basis, Engineering Design, and Policy Implications, Maria Ballester, Dimitri Giarikos, Victor Castro, Song Gao, and Bryan K. Armentrout

American Hegemony and the Rise of China, Dustin Berna

Contemporary Afghanistan: The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution, Dustin Berna

Hezbollah and Lebanese Political Institutions and the Political Process, Dustin Berna

How Should Peace and Conflict Professionals Respond to these Revolutionary Times, Dustin Berna

International Relations Theory, Dustin Berna

Interview with ABC Channel 10 on the Arrest of Miami Muslims and Their Suspected Connection and Money Transfers to the Pakistani Taliban, Dustin Berna

Interview with ABC Channel 7 on the Death of Osama bin Laden, Dustin Berna

Interview with CBS Channel 4 on the Topic of Political Violence in Egypt and the Impact on the United States, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on Hugo Chavez and the Impact of His Health on the Venezuelan Presidential Elections, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on the Arrest of Miami Muslims and Their Suspected Connection and Money Transfers to the Pakistani Taliban, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on the Death of Kim Jong Il and the Possible International Ramifications, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on the Death of Osama Bin Laden, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on the Topic of Political Violence in Egypt and the Impact on the United States, Dustin Berna

Interview with NBC Channel 6 on the Topic of the Egyptian Revolution and the Fall of President Mubarak, Dustin Berna

Interview with the Sun Sentinel on the Topic of the Egyptian Revolution, Dustin Berna

Islamic Fundamentalism and U.S. Foreign Policy, Dustin Berna

The Causes of Islamic Fundamentalism, Dustin Berna

The Egyptian Revolution and its Democratic Transition, Dustin Berna

The Hypocrisy in Religious Texts and Homosexuality, Dustin Berna

The Iranian Constitution and the Islamic State’s Political Institutions, Dustin Berna