Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Thesis: Euhaplorchis sp. A Effect on Social Behavior and Familiarity of Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis), Hannah Bauman
Thesis: Caribbean Gorgonian Coral-Zooxanthellae Network: Establishing Critical Symbiotic Relationships in an Uncertain Climate, Brady Estrada
Thesis: Estimating the Carbon Flux Contributions of Three Common Myctophids in the Gulf of Mexico, Mary S. Gad
Thesis: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Parrotfish (Scaridae) Population Structure Across Florida’s Coral Reef, Zachary T. Graff
Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of Extant Oceanic Shark Species Using Trait-Based Ecology, Elizabeth A. Johnson
Thesis: Understanding the Relationship Between [ATP], Growth Rate, and Inoculum Effect in β-Lactamase Producing Bacteria, Ariane R. Kalifa
Thesis: Trophic Ecology of Black Swallowers (Scombriformes: Chiasmodontidae: Chiasmodon) In the Deep-Pelagic Gulf of Mexico, Travis J. Kirk
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Metazoan Endoparasites of King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) as Possible Biological Tags, Charles Klingler
Thesis: Assessment of Thermal Preferences and Critical Temperature Tolerance Polygons on Mangrove Fish and Invertebrates From South Florida, Jailynn Konkler
Thesis: Frequent Disease Intervention on the Largest Corals Prolongs Colony Life During Coral Disease Outbreaks, Allie Kozachuk
Thesis: The Trophic Ecology and Vertical Distribution of the Deep-Pelagic Fish Scombrolabrax heterolepis (Scombriformes: Scombrolabracidae), an ‘Advanced’ Fish in a World of ‘Primitive’ Fishes, Kathryn Lim
Thesis: The Effects of Simulated Predation and Nursery Structure on Post-Outplant Survival and Growth of Sexual Juveniles of Six Caribbean Coral Species, Jarrod Little
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Polymicrobial Growth Dynamics: Inter-Species Interactions and Antibiotic Sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, Trent D. Moulder
Thesis: Microplastic Quantification on the Effect of Endoparasite Communities in Florida Seabirds, Sarah N. Prieto
Thesis: Emotional Response in Working Memory of Individuals with Latent Toxoplasmosis, Antonella Quimbayo
Thesis: Applying Integrative Systematics to Zoanthidea Specimens of the Okeanos Explorer RV Expeditions, Emily M. Salonia
Thesis: Comparing Metabolism and Hypoxia Tolerance of Native and Non-Native Florida Freshwater Fishes in Climate Change Scenarios, Benjamin A. Share
Thesis: Spatiotemporal Patterns in Orbicella Faveolata Wound Regeneration as an Indicator of Colony Health, Alexander G. Wheeler
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Temporal Effects of Recurrent Disturbances on Coral Traits on High-Latitude Marginal Coral Reefs, Samara Zinman
Thesis: One-Time Broadscale SCTLD Intervention Effectiveness on Montastraea cavernosa in an Endemic Zone, Amanda Zummo
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Thesis: Growth Environment Affects Virulence Factor Expression in Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an unstable environment., Fatima Abu-Rumman
Thesis: A Rapid Site Selection Assessment as an Indicator of Stony Coral Microfragment Outplant Success, John J. Alfirevich
Thesis: Do Mesopelagic Fish Biomass Patterns Change in Response to Major Oceanographic Features in the Northern Gulf of Mexico?, Ian M. Areford
Thesis: Assessing the Dynamics of the Southeast Florida Shark Community from 2013-2019 Via Catch per Unit Effort and Stable Isotope Analysis, Alexandra Barth
Thesis: A Forensic Assessment of Current Water Quality Using IDEXX Techniques in the Himmarshee Canal and New River in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Catherine Margaret Bilodeau
Thesis: Prevalence, Faunal Composition, and Vertical Distribution of Bioluminescence in the Pelagic Gulf of Mexico: Fishes, Crustaceans, Cephalopods and Gelatinous Megaplankton, Devynne M. Brown
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Accumulation of Trace Elements in Northern Sea Otter Vibrissae (Enhydra lutris kenyoni), Kayli L. Burke
Thesis: Quantifying Phenotypic Variation Among the Head Photophores and Nasal Rosettes of the Myctophid Species, Diaphus Dumerilii in Relation to Body Size, Ryan E. Byrne
Thesis: Heavy Metal Content in Eggs from Wild and Managed-Care Humboldt Penguins, Mya Daniels-Abdulahad
Thesis: Age and Growth for Three Members of the Family Gempylidae: Escolar (Lepidocybium Flavobrunnuem), Oilfish (Ruvettus Pretiosus), and Snake Mackerel (Gempylus Serpens), Sydney N. Daniels
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Growth Productivity Determines the Inoculum Effect of Aminoglycosides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Gabriela Diaz-Tang
Thesis: Parasites Versus Predation: The Role of Chronic and Acute Parasite Exposure in Infection Risk and Anti-Predator Behavior, Delaney Farrell
Thesis: Desperate Larva Or Death Before Dishonor: Can Old Coral Larvae Replenish Degraded Reefs?, Nepsis García Lara
Thesis: Restoration of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Susceptible Species in the Arrecife de Puerto Morelos National Park, Mexico Using Colony Microfragmentation, Marina Garmendia
Thesis: Psammocora stellata Distribution at Devil's Crown, Floreana Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, María José Guarderas Sevilla
Thesis - NSU Access Only: High Residency of a Critically Endangered Hammerhead Shark to a Small Area of the Colombian Pacific Coast: Implications for Marine Protected Area Design, Maria Alejandra Herrera
Thesis: Evaluating the Effect of Symbiodiniacea on Survival, Growth, and Acquisition of Newly Settled Corals of Three Caribbean Species, Michael B. Hood
Thesis: The Effect of Water Flow Rates on the Survival and Growth Rates of Three Caribbean Bouldering Coral Species Juveniles in an Indoor versus Outdoor Environment, Ian Michael Johnson
Thesis: The Potential for Top-Down Control of the Corallivorous Gastropod Coralliophila Galea and Its Effect on Coral Reef Ecosystems, Tanya Y. Kamerman
Dissertation: Characterizing Ocean Surface and Internal Wave Magnetic Signatures: Laboratory, Field, and Glider-based Observations, John A. Kluge
Thesis: Spawning Asynchrony of the Endangered Acropora cervicornis: Are Light Pollution and Abnormally Warm Temperatures the Culprits?, Krista Laforest
Dissertation: Movement, Behavior, and Trophic Ecology of a Pelagic Predator Guild in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, Ryan Keith Logan
Thesis: Growth Productivity Serves as a Determinant of the Inoculum Effect in Staphylococcus aureus, Estefania Marin Meneses
Thesis: The Plastic Pandemic: Examining Surgical Face Mask Degradation in the Marine Environment in Times of COVID-19, Christopher J. Mayer
Thesis: Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Internal Wave Interactions on Conch Reef, Florida Keys, Megan Miller
Thesis: Cytokine Profiles in Peruvian Pinnipeds and Their Relationships with Environmental Stressors, Mykenzee L. Munaco
Thesis: An Ecological Assessment of the Deep-Pelagic Fish Genus Cyclothone (Gonostomatidae; Stomiiformes), Possibly the World’s Most Abundant Fishes, in the Gulf of Mexico, Olivia C. North-Menthonnex
Thesis: Twenty Years of Change in a Southeast Florida Acropora Cervicornis Thicket, Daniel Perez
Thesis: Exploring Host-Parasite Interactions in the Euhaplorchis Californiensis-Fundulus Parvipinnis System, Bennett J. Perry
Thesis: Coral Castles: Protecting Polyps from Parrotfish Predation, Kyle Anthony-Kicking Bear Pisano
Thesis: Optimization of Light Spectrum During Coral Grow-out, Daisy N. Ponce
Thesis: Investigating the Effects of a Southward Flow in the Southeastern Florida Shelf Using Robotic Instruments, Alfredo Quezada
Thesis: The Endoparasite Fauna of Mesopredatory Mesopelagic Teleosts, Alexander U. Rayburn
Thesis: Applying Integrative Systematics to the Poorly Explored Symbiotic Relationships Between Echinoderms and Zoanthidea, Savannah Renken
Thesis: Evaluating Post-Release Survival and Distribution of Juvenile Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Caught on Buoy Gear Within the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straits, Cody Rewis
Thesis: Cnidae in Integrative Systematics of Zoanthidea: A Sticking Point, Melissa Rex
Thesis: Addressing Water Hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) Impacts on Aquatic Biota in Lake Okeechobee, Joseph Salerno
Thesis: Effects of Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms on the Microbial Community Within Lake Okeechobee, FL, USA, Paisley S. Samuel
Thesis: Using Carbon Source Preference to Modulate the Antibiotic Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in Co-Culture., Elinor Sevy
Thesis: Heavy Metals within the Hawaiian Islands Archipelago as Evidenced in the Hawaiian Monk Seal and Their Prey, Yvanna M. Strait
Thesis: Fishing and Fear Effects Interact to Shape Herbivory on Coral Reefs, Bethany M. Tilton
Dissertation: Microscale to Mesoscale Modeling of the Ocean Under Tropical Cyclones: Effects of Sea Spray and Surfactants on Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Air-Sea Gas Exchange, Breanna Lynn Cain Vanderplow
Thesis: Evaluating Post-release Survival and Habitat Utilization of Undersized Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) Caught by the U.S Pelagic Longline Fishery in the Western North Atlantic, Zachery Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Thesis: Relationships Between Mercury and Trophic Level in Nine Coastal Pelagic Fishes off Southeastern Florida, Emily Akins
Thesis: A Spatial Assessment of Impacts to the Flats Fishery by Recreational Boating in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Kristin Anderson
Thesis - NSU Access Only: Trophic Dynamics of a Keystone Predator: Examining Three Alaskan Sea Otter Stocks Over Two Decades, Taylor Apter
Thesis: Impacts on Fast-Start Performance: How Do Group Size and Habitat Degradation Alter the Escape Behavior of a Schooling Coral Reef Fish?, Monica D. Bacchus
Thesis: Abundance, Site-Fidelity, and Association Patterns of Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) Off Southeast Florida, Graysen D. Boehning
Thesis: Variability in the Vertical Distributions of Mesopelagic Fishes: Effect of Body Size, Season, and Sampling Strategy on the Characterization of Diel Vertical Migration, Brandon A. Brule
Thesis: Quantifying the Toxicological Effects of the Organic Uv Filters Avobenzone and Homosalate on Acropora Cervicornis, Samantha F. Buckley
Thesis: Integrative Revision of Five Genera Type Species for Zoanthidea To Bridge the Parataxonomy Gap, Jacob Colbert
Thesis: Polychlorinated Organic Contaminants in Baleen from North Pacific Ocean Whales, Briana R. Coulter
Thesis: Evaluation of Nearshore Carbonate Chemistry Within Major Navigational Inlets of the Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area, Harrison Davis
Thesis: Transcriptome Analysis of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Culicinomyces Clavisporus, Dana E. Foresman
Thesis: Periodic Spatial Disturbances Alter the Expression of Quorum Sensing Virulence Factors in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Laura García-Diéguez
Thesis: Assessing Learning and Memory in the Juvenile Life Stage of the California Two-Spotted Octopus, Octopus Bimaculoides, Shaquilla M. Hamlett
Thesis: Corals as Food: What Factors Dictate Corallivore Foraging Behavior?, Ashley Hannigan
Thesis: Feeding Ecology of Highly Migratory Epipelagic Offshore Predators in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Rachel Lorraine Hildebrand
Thesis: The Deep-Pelagic Sergestid Shrimp Assemblage in the Gulf of Mexico in the Vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Erik W. Hine
Thesis: Impact of Interleukin-34 on the Promotion of Bone Osteolysis and Neuroinflammation in Experimental Models of Alzheimer’S Disease, Anny Ho
Dissertation: Benthic Community Dynamics and Stony Coral Demographics in Florida in Relation to Acute Disturbances and Chronic Pressures, Nicholas P. Jones
Thesis: Assessment of Microplastics in Southeastern Florida Forage Fishes, Maria Kappos
Thesis: Effects of Net Type on the Quantification of Pelagic Shrimp and Krill in the Gulf of Mexico, Eric J. Lee
Dissertation: Larval Ecology of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus): New Insights from Otolith Microstructure, Biotic, and Abiotic Analyses from the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea, Estrella Malca
Thesis: The Microbiome Characterization and Comparison of Loggerhead (Caretta Caretta) and Green (Chelonia Mydas) Sea Turtle Eggs in Broward County, Florida, Colleen McMaken
Thesis: Crustacean Assemblage Structure Over the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Collected During the 2009 Henry B. Bigelow Expedition, Kathryn Medina
Thesis: Determination of Atlantic Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus Oxyrinchus) Population Genetic Structure and Comparison of Mitogenomic Markers, Marissa Mehlrose
Thesis: Toxicological Assessment of Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide on Staghorn Coral, Acropora Cervicornis, Katherine E. Meurer
Thesis: Spatial Variability of Greenhouse Gases in Blue Carbon Mangrove Ecosystems, Jordan Page
Thesis: Caribbean Reef-Building Coral-Symbiodiniaceae Network: Identifying Symbioses Critical for System Stability in a Changing Climate, Shaman Patel
Thesis: Vertical and Diel Behavior Patterns of Adult Lemon Sharks (Negaprion Brevirostris) Around the Southeastern Florida and Western Bahamas Coastal Shelves, Jacquelyne Reuder
Thesis: Toxicity and Effectiveness of a New Two-Part Underwater Adhesive for Coral Restoration, Matthew Rojano
Thesis: Taxonomic Resolution Assessment and Biodiversity Evaluations for Deep-Sea Fish Assemblages in a Pelagic Ecosystem of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Krista N. Scheuerman
Thesis: Assemblage Composition and Vertical Distributions of Deep-Sea Anglerfishes (Suborder: Ceratioidei) of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Kimberly S. Schmutz
Thesis: The Impacts of Egg Chamber Depth and Clutch Size on Hatching and Emergence Success for Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) on South Florida Beaches, Curtis J. Slagle
Thesis: An Analysis of Suspended Microplastics in Sewage Outfalls, Inlets, and Coastal Waters of Broward County, Florida, Katrina A. Smith
Thesis: Assessing Broad-Scale Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Intervention Activities in Southeast Florida, USA, Kathryn Toth
Thesis: Examining the Relationship Between Stomiiform Fish Morphology and Their Ecological Traits, Mikayla L. Twiss
Thesis: Size Structuring of Myctophids in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in the Years Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Adam Warren
Thesis: Quantifying Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from Sargassum Strandings on Florida Beaches, James O. Westphalen