
Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Reduced Light and Elevated Temperature on the Zooxanthellae Concentrations and Diameters, Pigment Concentrations, and Colony Color of Montastrea cavernosa, Kristi A. Foster


Thesis: Highly Streamlined PCR-Based Genetic Identification of Carcharhinid Sharks (Family Carcharhinidae) for Use in Wildlife Forensics, Trade Monitoring, and Delineation of Species Distributions, Marcy Henning


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Acclimation and Cultivation of Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Low Salinity Waters and Well Waters of South Florida, Frank A. Kahoun III


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Systematics, Ecology, and Functional Morphology of Commensal Amphipods (Leucothoidae) in the Western Caribbean Sea and Southeast Florida, Kristine N. Klebba


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Distribution and Significance of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Beach Sand and Seawater in a Sub-Tropical Environment, Kara L. Nowosielski


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Genetic Connectivity Throughout Florida and the Caribbean: Comparative Phylogeography of Diverse Reef Taxa with Contrasting Reproductive Strategies, Vincent P. Richards


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Importance of Strain Differences in the Opportunistic Pathogen Acanthamoeba, Megan Shoff


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus), Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis), and Pilot Whale (Globicephala Sp.) Vocalizations in the Western North Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Mexico, Susan C. Zaretsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Efficient PCR-Based Identification of Shark Products in Global Trade: Applications for the Management and Conservation of Commercially Important Mackerel Sharks (Family Lamnidae), Thresher Sharks (Family Alopiidae) and Hammerhead Sharks (Family Sphyrnidae)., Debra Abercrombie


Thesis: Cultivation of Wrack Collected Seagrasses, Irene Arpayoglou


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Population Densities and Feeding Behavior of the Amphinomid Polychaete, Hermodice carunculata, in Acropora cervicornis Assemblages in Southeastern Florida, Megan E. Berkle


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Fecal Indicator Organisms and Pathogenic Protozoa in South Florida Beach Sand: Implications for Public Health, Tonya Davidian Bonilla


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Enhanced Survival of Escherichia coli in Subtropical Beach Sand and Implications for Water Quality Managers, Marie L. Cuvelier


Thesis: Diel Activity Patterns, Space Utilization, Seasonal Distribution and Population Structure of the Yellow Stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis (Cuvier, 1817) in South Florida with Comments on Reproduction., Daniel P. Fahy


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Prevalence and Distribution of Staphylococcus aureus and Other Potential Health Risk Indicators in South Florida Beaches, Melissa V. Green


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Factors Affecting Predatory Success of White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) at Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa, Neil Hammerschlag


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Changes in Coral Populations on the Northwest Coast of Roatan, Honduras, Subsequent to the 1998 Coral Bleaching Event and Hurricane Mitch, Jennifer R. Keck


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Influence of Physical and Anthropogenic Factors on the Distribution of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nests in Broward County, Florida. (1990-1999), Catherine A. Mattison


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Commercial Protocols for the Inland Culture of Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone 1931) (Crustacea; Decapoda; Penaeidae) in Zero-Exchange, Freshwater Systems, David Z. McMahon


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Molecular Genetic Approaches to Species Identification and Delineation in Elasmobranchs, Janne T. Nielsen


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Identification of Drinking Water as a National and Regional Strategic Resource, Within a Coastal Zone Management Framework, in Broward County, Florida., John P. O'Sullivan


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Competition Among Juvenile Acropora on Shallow Reefs, Okinawa, Japan, Aya Shinohara


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparison of the Benthic Assemblages on Three Types of Artificial Reef Modules Deployed in August of 1991, Sara Matthews Thanner

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Studies on the Seasonal Occurrence And Activity of Higher Filamentous Marine Fungi Inhabiting A South Florida Mangrove Forest, Kelly Adams


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Application of Molecular Techniques to Studies of the Reproductive Natural History and Conservation of Sharks: Case Studies Involving the Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo (Sphyrnidae) and Great White, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamnidae)., Demian D. Chapman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparative Functional Morphology of Mouthparts and Associated Structures of Kalliapseudes Sp. A McSweeny, 1968, and Psammokalliapseudes granulosus Brum, 1973 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea), with a Description of the Male of Psammokalliapseudes granulosus, David T. Drumm


Thesis: Growth and Survivorship of Meandrina meandrites and Montastrea cavernosa Transplants to an Artificial Reef Environment, and the Effectiveness of Plugging Core Holes in Transplant Donor Colonies, Elizabeth Glynn Fahy


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Spatial Variability of the Coral Reef Fish Assemblages Offshore Broward County, Florida, Fleur M. Ferro


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Physical and Biological Parameters on the Survival of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Beach Sand and Seawater in a Sub-Tropical Environment, Aaron Hartz


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Salinity Tolerance of Naked Amoebae from Freshwater, Marine, and Hypersaline Environments, Gwen Hauer

Thesis - NSU Access Only: Experiments in Algal Feeds for the Penaied Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), Sea Urchin (Lytechinus variegatus), and Marine Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis and B. rotundiformis), Richard L. Hubbard


Thesis: Habitat Utilization by Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Biscayne Bay, Florida, Christine A. Hudak


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Histopathology of Cardiovascular Lesions in 17 Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) Stranded in the Florida Panhandle During 1997, 1998, and 2001, Milan Manasijevic


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study of Stranded Dolphins Along the Florida Coastline, Ali P. Miller


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Macrobenthic Spatial Patterns and Community Structure on the Broward County, Florida (USA) Reefs., Ryan P. Moyer


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Feed Trials of Fatty Acid Composition, Feeding Frequency, and Ration Size on Litopenaeus vannamei Grown in Hard, Fresh Water, John L. Reguzzoni


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effect of Nutrient Enrichment and Elevated CO2 Partial Pressure on Growth Rate of the Zooxanthellate Coral Acropora cervicornis., Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar


Dissertation: Biology and Ecologyof Epigean Crayfish That Inhabit Everglades Environments Procambarus alleni (Faxon) and Procambarus fallax (Hagen), Peggy G. Vanarman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Occurrence of Higher Filamentous Fungi and Yeasts in Two Coastal Subtropical Habitats, Catherine Vogel


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Seasonality of Mass Strandings: Implications for Cetacean Stranding Sites, Rebekah J. Walker


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Long Term Effects of Oil and Dispersed Oil on Mixed Seagrass and Coral Beds: The 18th Year of Studies Following Experimental Dosing, Greg Allen Ward


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Phylogenetic Relationships in the Gorgonian Family Plexauridae (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Holaxonia) Based on Two Mitochondrial Genes: Evidence for Multiple Lineages, Herman H. Wirshing


Thesis: Age, Growth and the Annual Cycles of lipogenesis and Reproduction of Acanthurus bahianus in Southeastern Florida, Stacy M. Wolfe

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Nearshore Hardbottom Fishes of Broward County, Florida USA, Robert M. Baron


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Beach Renourishment on Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nesting and Hatching Parameters, Jennifer M. Gibson Hartwig


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Isolation Distance and Reef Size on Associated Fish Assemblages: A Study Using Artificial Reef Modules, Lance K. B. Jordan


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in MDOS Mesocosms: The Role of Vegetation and Response to Marsh Dry-Out, Michelle Lajti


Thesis: Beach Crawl Width as a Predictive Indicator of Carapace Length in Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta)., Dawn M. Miller


Thesis: Coral Recruitment to Various Artificial Substrata, Miami Beach, FL, Nicholas C. Straccione


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Biological Assessment of Three Artificial Reef Materials: Tire-Concrete Aggregate, Gravel-Concrete Aggregate, and Limestone Boulder, Brian K. Walker


Thesis: A Comparison of Aeration Methods and Diets for Larval Culture of the Edible Sea Urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea), Ray Wolcott

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


Thesis: Abundance and Distribution of Commensal Amphipods From Common Marine Sponges of Southeast Florida, Stacie E. Crowe


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Classification of Acropora cervicornis in Nearshore Waters of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Scott A. Herber

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Manuscript 1: Elasmobranch Bycatch Observed on Pelagic Longlines Off the Southeastern U.S. Coast, 1992-1997, Lawrence R. Beerkircher


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Manuscript II: A Demographic Analysis of the Silky Shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, Population Off the Southeastern United States, Lawrence R. Beerkircher


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Comparative Studies of the Development and Survival of Litopenaeus vannamei Larvae Grown Entirely on Single or Multiple Species of Phytoplankton, Erik DeMicco


Thesis - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Temporal and Spatial Variability of Egg Production in the Gulf of Mexico: A Study of Six Calanoid Copepods, Lee A. Houchin


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Colonization Rates, Annual Temporal Variation, and Some Ecological Interactions of the Microbial Epibiont Community on the Prop Roots of the Red Mangrove Tree, Rhizophora mangle, Brian Todd Maybruck


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Seasonal Distribution of Marine and Non-Marine Fungi Along the New River Estuary, Fraser Mickle


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Salt Water Intrusion in Cape Coral, Florida 1980-1999, Keith B. Overton


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effectiveness of Chemical Inducers on Settling and Settlement of Scleractinian Coral Larvae on Various Substrates, Christopher David Petrie


Thesis: A Taxonomic Evaluation of the Comatulid Genus Stephanometra (Echinodermata:Crinoidea), Dana Lin Rankin


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Studies on the Roles of Reef Design and Site Selection in Juvenile Fish Recruitment to Small Artificial Reefs, Robin L. Sherman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Fauna Between Littoral Shelf Mitigation Areas of Varying Design Parameters, Brian P. Voelker


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Initial Inquiry Into the Phylogeny of the Family Comasteridae (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) From Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data, Christopher M. White

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Juvenile Reef Fish Recruitment Processes in South Florida: A Multifactorial Field Experiment, David S. Gilliam


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Influence of Salinity on Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Mixed-Layer Physics in the Indian Ocean, Weiqing Han


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Development of Techniques for the Cultivation of Fish in a Converted Wastewater Treatment Plant, Kevin L. Mahoney


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Growth Rate Between Shallow and Deep Tanks, Using Hybrid Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis aureus, Madelyn T. Martinez


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Temporal Variability in the Protist Community Structure in Port Everglades, Florida, Kevin C. Spingler


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Depth Distribution, Growth Rates, and Photoacclimation of the Green and Brown Color Morphotypes of the Scleractinian Coral Porites astreoides, Susan L. Thornton

Theses/Dissertations from 1998


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Barium and Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Chronologies from Two Southeast Florida Coral Species- Environmental Implications, Daniel Anderegg


Dissertation: Variability in Copepod Hatching Success: Observations on Natural Populations and Experiments on the Role of Maternal Diet, Carol A. Burkart


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Relationships Between Skeletal Architecture and Density Banding in the Reef Coral Diploria strigosa From X-Radiography, X-Ray Computed Tomography and Image Analysis Techniques, Kevin P. Helmle


Dissertation: Experiments to Maximize Growth in Captive Florida Pompano (Trachinotus carolinus), Brian J. Hicks


Thesis: The Occurrence of PCBs and Chlorinated Pesticide Contaminants in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a Resident Community: Comparison with Age, Gender and Birth Order, Kathleen M. Kuss


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Various Salinities on the Growth, Reproduction, and Pathology of Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus), David Z. McMahon


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Diel Relationships of Bacterial Growth Rates, Bacterivore Grazing Rates, and Dissolved Carbohydrates in Subtropical Marine Coastal Waters, Sean O'Brien

Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Diel Patterns of Glucosidase Activity and Dissolved Carbohydrates in South Florida Coastal Waters, Tom Quinney

Theses/Dissertations from 1997


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Daily Feeding Rhythm to Demand Feeders and the Effects of Timed Meal-Feeding on Growth of Juvenile Florida Pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, Matthew J. Heilman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effects of the H1 Histamine Antagonist Chlorpheniramine on Reinforcement, Learning and Memory in Goldfish, Carassius auratus, Carrie A. Nelson


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Fine Structure of the Gill Vasculature of the Yellow Stingray (Urolophus jamaicensis), Robin L. Sherman


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Microplankton Biomass and Composition in Relation to the Gulf Stream Front Off Southeast Florida, Gayle Louise Stone


Dissertation: Coastal Circulations Driven by River Outflow, Shuliang Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 1996


Thesis: Phosphorous Limitation and Trophic Status in Limestone Quarry Lakes, Dade County, FL, Isaac Peter Chase


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Seasonal Variation in the Biochemical and Energetic Composition and Diets of Two Bathyal Stalked Crinoids: Endoxocrinus parrae and Neocrinus decorus (Echinodermata:Crinoidea:Isocrinidae), Charles M. Featherstone


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Skeletal Architectural Variability as Basis of Density Banding in the Reef Coral Montastrea annularis, Rowena Garcia


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Population Dynamics, Life Histories, and Patterns of Emergence in an Assemblage of Inshore Cumaceans (Crustacea: Percarida) in South Florida, Barbara A. Maloney


Thesis: Diet and Seasonal Feeding Habits of the Yellow Stingray, Urolophus jamaicensis, T. Patrick Quinn


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Investigation of Damage by the Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata) to the Nests of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) on Hillsboro Beach, Florida, Terri S. Schmidt


Dissertation: Regulation of Beta-Glucosidase in Marine Bacteria, Dennis Stetter


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Preliminary Study of the Population Density, Size Distribution Age and Growth of the Stingray, Urolophus jamaicensis, in Southeastern Florida, James Sulikowski

Theses/Dissertations from 1995


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Descriptive Study of the Percussive Behavior of Orcas, Orcinus orca, in Johnstone Strait, British Colombia, Nicole Marie Adimey


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Equilibrium Profile Response to Restored and Renourished Beaches in South Florida, Jeffrey Lee Andrews


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Impact of Variability in Coastal Circulation on Plankton Distributions Along the Continental Shelf of Southeast Florida, John M. Braker


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Egg Production of Calanoid Copepods in Coastal Waters of Florida and its Relation to the Nutritional Environment, Kevin Carter


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Serological Changes in Three Species of Sharks (Bonnethead, Sphyrna tiburo; Blacktip, Carcharhinus limbatus and Bull, C. leucas) Associated with Capture and Restraint, Eric V. Hull


Thesis - NSU Access Only: An Assessment of the Extent and Types of Environmental Crime in Florida, With a Focus on Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties, As Measured by Local Prosecutors' Records, Christine M. H. Orthmann


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Sublethal Impacts of an Oil Spill on Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa seedlings., Brant W. Touchette


Thesis: Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Phosphorus Limitation in Marine Macroalgae from the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, Christine M. Urnezis