"Evaluating Post-release Survival and Habitat Utilization of Undersized" by Zachery Young

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Type

Master of Science

Degree Name

Marine Science

First Advisor

David Kerstetter, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Joshua Feingold, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Walter Golet Ph.D.


Post-release Mortality, U.S Fisheries, Highly Migratory Species (HMS), Vertical Habitat Utilization, billfish, Southeast United States, sPAT tag


This study used survivorship pop-up archival tags (sPAT) tags to determine the post-release survival and habitat use from twenty-four undersized swordfish captured in the northwest Atlantic Ocean during normal operation within the commercial U.S pelagic longline industry. From these deployments, sixteen tags were used to determine post-release survival, and eight of the surviving tags were used to analyze short-term habitat utilization. Mortality was estimated to be 43.8% and was not significantly affected by variables such as fish size, latitude caught, or horizontal distance traveled. The relatively high mortality, in combination with the high at-haulback mortality reported in previous studies, does not suggest that the current minimum retention limit set by policy makers is effective at maintaining a sustainable fishery. Most swordfish exhibited a northward movement consistent with known migratory patterns of this species, however some showed localized habitat preference and appeared to stay in a localized area near the tagging location. The average speed of swordfish was 12.24 km/day. Swordfish exhibited a typical diel vertical migration pattern, inhabiting waters shallower than 100 m during the night and going to an average depth of 544 m during the day. This movement exposed swordfish to a wide range of temperature variation, ranging between 5°C and 28.9°C. Size was not a significant factor in depth or temperature preference.
