Can Iran Save Us?
Event Name/Location
2015 Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference / New Orleans, LA
Presentation Date
Document Type
This paper argues that if the United States is going to be successful in building state infrastructures in Iraq and Afghanistan, then there needs to be drastic changes in the way we are building their democratic institutions. We have utterly failed at institution building as exemplified by the significant and successful rise of ISIS. If we continue to use the capitalist model to implement American-like democratic institutions in Iraq and Afghanistan, we will continue to fail. If the United States is going to be successful, then we must establish Iranian style political institutions and use the Ayatollah Khomeini model for Islamic democracy as our model.
NSUWorks Citation
Berna, Dustin, "Can Iran Save Us?" (2016). Conflict Resolution Studies Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, and Lectures. 59.