Utilization of Frames and Reframing for Organizational Leadership and Conflict Management Effectiveness
Book Title
De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
LaVena Wilkin, Yashwant Pathak
Frames, Reframing, Reflective practice, Organizational conflict, Leadership, Structural frame, Human resource frame, Political frame, Symbolic frame
Framing is a common practice used to interpret situations and guide responses through mental mapping. Frames serve as anchor points that help clarify issues and identify solutions. Oftentimes we are limited in our scope of understanding and hampered by personal biases to fully open our perspectives to other viewpoints. Frames can go underutilized because people are unable to visualize and access multiple perspectives. In that case, reframing the issue from a limited frame to multi-frames will augment one's ability to analyze complex situations and uncover opportunities. Join Professor Rossin, a semi-fictional character who has accepted a new leadership challenge, as he utilizes an approach to framing and reframing that opens his aperture of understanding the issues and challenges at his new job. Developed by researchers Bolman and Deal, this framework for utilizing multiple perspectives provides four anchors for a more holistic and sophisticated understanding of challenges and opportunities leaders face daily. Through Professor Rossin's story, readers will learn the "what" "why" and "how" of framing and reframing and the importance of looking beyond a single or limited perspective.
De Gruyter
First Page
Last Page
Social and Behavioral Sciences
NSUWorks Citation
Katz, Neil and Michael Wahlgren. (2022). Utilization of Frames and Reframing for Organizational Leadership and Conflict Management Effectiveness. In LaVena Wilkin, Yashwant Pathak (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management .
Additional Information
Section 2: Organizational Conflict Management
Chapter 7