
Submissions from 2010


The Growth of the UWC at STU, Kevin Dvorak and K. Mejia


Writing New York: Using Google Maps as a Platform for Electronic Portfolios, Dale Jacobs, Hollie Adams, and Janine Morris


Book Review - Writing the Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication by Carol David and Anne R. Richards, Claire Lutkewitte

In Pursuit of the Perfect Classroom, Claire Lutkewitte


In Pursuit of the Perfect Classroom, Claire Lutkewitte

Review of Writing the Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication, Claire Lutkewitte, Carol David, and Ann R. Richards


Style and the Pedagogy of Response, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2009

Offensive Language Spoken on Morning Radio Programs, Megan Fitzgerald, Barry Sapolsky, and Steven McClung


Tutors Teaching Directors about Professionalism, Claire Lutkewitte

Tutors Teaching Directors about Professionalism, Claire Lutkewitte


Understanding Audience: Using Online Surveys in First-Year Writing Courses, Claire Lutkewitte


Web 2.0 Technologies in First-Year Writing, Claire Lutkewitte


Greening the Globe, One Map at a Time, Eric D. Mason

Submissions from 2008

Cubanía and the Cuban Soviet Experience in the Narrative of Jesús Díaz and Antonio José Ponte, Yvette Fuentes


Book Review - Review of Eloquent Images: Word and Image in the Age of New Media by Mary E. Hocks and Michelle R. Kendrick, Claire Lutkewitte

Remediating the Magic Kingdom: Notes Toward a Poetics of Technology, Eric Mason


Making Style Conscious: A Response to Paul Butler’s "Style in the Diaspora of Composition Studies", Star Medzerian Vanguri


Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, Robert Neuwirth, Routledge, New York (2006), Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2005


Virtual Peer Review: Teaching and Learning About Writing in Online Environments, Kevin Dvorak

Submissions from 2004


IUP Writing Center Tutor Wins NEASEA Student Employee of the Year Award, Heads to National Competition, Kevin Dvorak

“Border-Building: Cultural Turf and the Maintenance of Hybridity, Eric Mason