
Winter 2023

ESRP 9000 Professor

David B. Ross, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

David B. Ross, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

Why are some modern organizations defined by their problems, while others are defined by how they successfully overcome problems? We should always seek to grow and overcome problems, which should be a life pursuit. This Strategic Research Project has been written to fulfill that consistent pursuit of growth.

Effective internal communications have a positive impact on organizational performance and gain that organization a competitive advantage through elevated levels of employee engagement. Nova Southeastern University can improve the effectiveness of its internal communication to increase organizational performance. This Strategic Research Project explores that path by defining the problem, exploring solutions and strategies, and outlining an action plan for implementation. A SWOT Analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation, and External Factor Evaluation determined that the internal communication gap is indeed worthy of investigation. Four solutions were then explored to address this internal communication problem: internal communication satisfaction, internal communication management, silos, and the stakeholder approach. Through research, accounts from colleagues, and my experience, I landed on the silos solution to improve internal communications. Silos are barriers that stop the flow of information and resources from flowing freely throughout the university.

The silo solution needed a practical plan to fit Nova Southeastern University's context. As such, two strategies were considered: conflict resolution and network management. The conflict resolution strategy intends to increase the university's related competencies and practices to help everyone solve conflicts with fewer negative results, which I proposed is a cause of silo formation. The network management strategy involves managing the organizational hierarchy to ensure key collaborations are taking place to decrease the adverse effects of silos; however, I found this solution impractical at this time due to its need for maximum hierarchal flexibility. Implementing a network management strategy first could create additional problems, making the effort futile. Using the quantitative strategic plan matrix, I deemed the conflict resolution strategy more contextually feasible. I then drafted an action plan to be implemented over two academic years, which included the following steps: conducting a conflict audit, increasing trust, conducting conflict resolution training, performing group facilitation to solve important problems, and modifying the yearly evaluations to include conflict resolution practices.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


