
Winter 4-24-2024

ESRP 9000 Professor

Daniel Turner, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Daniel Turner, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project was designed to provide insight on a growing issue in the educational environment. A widening achievement gap was the focus of this research because of it upwards trajectory exacerbated by the pandemic: COVID-19. It is imperative for educational experts to strategically plan to determine the appropriate measures for identifying and addressing root causes of academic disparities that hinders students’ success. The ability to understand and deter this issue is instrumental in creating a more equitable and inclusive educational environment where all students can thrive. The researcher provides a comprehensive analysis and strategies on ways to bridge the educational gap within a large urban school district with the ultimate goal of a more enriching learning experience. The foundation was rooted in finding the cause of the achievement gap that exists within certain subsets of the school within the district.

The methodology used to determine the underlining cause was a detailed SWOT analysis, where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified and analyzed. The key findings noted that the district boasts high graduation rate and certified teachers in their classrooms, however, they do face challenges such as wide achievement gaps and teacher retention. The opportunities within the district included funding initiatives and technology advancements while threats include teacher shortages and student health and disparities among schools. Using the SWOT analysis was a valuable tool to help understand the internal and external environment of the district, and thus, setting the foundation for effective planning and decision making.

Through the meticulous process, a conclusion was made to have effective remedial education programs geared towards closing the achievement gap. The selected strategy, teacher training and support will be instrumental is reducing the academic disparities as they are the biggest assets to student success. Effectively implementing this strategy will require a thorough action plan which was laid out in this research into four categories; action steps, roles and responsibilities, resources and barriers. The steps taken throughout this Strategic Research Project provides a pathway for this large urban school district to create a more leveled educational environment. Focusing on both systemic factors and internal constraints has provided a firm groundwork where educational expects can collaborate to decrease the achievement gap.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Educational Leadership


