
Winter 4-28-2024

ESRP 9000 Professor

Don Hall, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Linda Gaughan, Ph.D.

Executive Summary

Hill Elementary School in a large southern state struggles with substandard academic performance compared to other schools in the district, state, and nation. Numerous issues, such as high student-teacher ratios, little community involvement, and a lack of sufficient funding, pose serious problems for the school. This research investigates the multifaceted aspects of these obstacles. Additionally, the researcher examined the interconnections of these difficulties, emphasizing the recurrent trend of academic low performance and the obstacles that the educational institution faces. In order to address the root causes of the problems at Hill Elementary School, a positive learning environment and a culture of high expectations should be established. The proposed solution centers on creating a positive school climate characterized by strong relationships, clear expectations, and supportive interactions among stakeholders. School leaders attempt to create an environment that promotes a sense of belonging and empowerment, with the goal of creating an atmosphere of value, motivation, and support among students. Part of the solution is to use group expertise to promote collaboration and continual development among educators through programs like professional learning communities. Hill Elementary School leaders aim to strengthen teaching effectiveness, connect instructional practices with high academic standards, and ultimately improve student achievement through the provision of structured opportunities for professional development and collaboration. The goal for Hill Elementary School strategies is that every student have the chance to prosper academically and fulfill his or her potential in a nurturing and supportive educational environment.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Educational Leadership


