

ESRP 9000 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project was designed to provide the identification of a problem within an organizational or educational setting, identify potential solutions to the problem and evaluate evidence to select a solution to the problem. In Part 1, a critical analysis is conducted that provides a description of the setting, which is within a higher education institution, the University. The critical analysis also seeks to identify potential gaps or areas for growth through a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis for the University. It is through this analysis that 40 total factors were identified of which four factors from each category were further explored in an internal and external assessment.

Part 2 of the strategic research project focuses on defining the problem, which based on the evidence analyzed in Part 1, the lack of diversity in leadership was identified as an area for growth, being categorized as a factor in both the internal and external evaluation matrix as a weakness and opportunity for the University. A brief review of the literature related to diversity in higher education leadership is provided and further defines the problem of the lack of minorities and women in higher education leadership. The synthesis of literature related to the problem also discusses recent studies that offer pertinent theories such as expectancy value and transformational leadership theory that was relevant to the strategic research project. In Part 3, four possible solutions to the problem are identified in the review of literature and a summary of their findings and outcomes is presented. Part 4 of the strategic research project focuses on selecting a solution. Based on the evaluation of pros, cons and barriers addressed for each solution, the selected solution to address the need of diversity initiatives to improve the lack of minorities and women in leadership positions in the University is to develop the pipeline through a gender/minority equity leadership development program.

Strategies to accomplish the selected solution is discussed in Part 5. The two developed strategies were creating a mentoring culture and identifying leadership talent within the University. A synthesis of literature is provided for each strategy. Part 6 of the strategic research project further covers the evaluation of the strategies. A quantitative strategic plan matrix is exhibited and the internal and external factors are further assessed and a total attractiveness score is formulated. Based on the highest total sum of the total attractiveness score, creating a mentoring culture was the selected strategy to support the overall objective of initiatives to increase minorities and women in higher education leadership. In Part 7, an action plan and a timeline are presented. Additionally, details such as the roles, responsibilities, resources, organizational support, and barriers to implementing the strategy are discussed.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


