

ESRP 9000 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

ESRP 9001 Professor

Gina L. Peyton, Ed.D.

Executive Summary

This strategic research project was designed to provide culturally responsive teaching in an inclusion-general education public school setting. We live in a diverse, multicultural society, and, as educators, we should be substantially preparing the nation’s children to be better citizens for such an endeavor. The goal was to provide better diversity awareness to K-12 students, teachers, and administration through curriculum redesign and reform by choosing an instructional model that allows flexibility, more creativity, and adaptability to the traditional classroom instruction.

Currently, students with exceptionalities are educated in the mainstream general education classroom amongst their neurotypical peers. However, in the Special Needs department, there is an oversaturation of students who are linguistically, ethnically, racially, and culturally different. These students may have academic limitations through no fault of their own but may be treated as such. Some of these students are developmentally and intellectually where they need to be, but there are academic barriers they encounter. Curriculum, assessments, and scholastic testing are tailored for traditional mainstream North American standards. Thus, if you are a student who is not familiar with commonplace U.S. idioms, you would most likely not do as well if being tested on it.

The most ideal way to address these issues would be to be tested by an educator who understands your educational needs, as well as by the standard of your own cultural or linguistic style. However, since conventional practices heavily cater to the majority bias, the minority voices are not amplified enough. Therefore, to foster better awareness in diversity and inclusion education, being taught responsively, from as early on as possible in an academic setting, would be the best place to start. Multicultural Education is the goal for all students and training for staff/teachers to better cultivate tolerance for differences and respect for one another regardless of heritage, backgrounds, or socioeconomic status to better enable educational equity and equality. This project used a Strategic Action Plan model with a SWOT analysis and a Quantitative Strategic Plan Matrix to highlight the Internal and External Evaluation Factors that significantly influence the successful implementation of a multicultural education curriculum, using technological and personalized learning strategies for facilitating a high-quality hybrid learning instructional design.

Document Type

Strategic Research Project-NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


