Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of the MARP was to develop, Implement, and evaluate a health promotion program for faculty, staff, and administration at Trenton State College during the 1989-1990 school year. This was completed with a pilot group and plans are to have a well-developed, more inclusive health promotion program in place by the 1990-1991 school year. The population for this study was 33 participants in the experimental group and 32 people ln the comparison group. All of the individuals volunteered to be part of this study. There were eleven administrators, eleven faculty members, and eleven staff members in the experimental group. Eleven administrators, nine faculty members, and twelve staff members were in the comparison group. The major research questions were: Wii participation in the health promotion program help the participants to improve the lipid profile, will the participants reduce blood pressure, will the individuals reduce body weight in pounds and body fat? Eight major hypotheses were formulated based on the research questions, and each was tested. The hypotheses were stated in null hypothesis format. The study was conducted over a six-month time period. Screening and monitoring were conducted twice. Two medical doctors reviewed the data collected ln the study. This was a comprehensive program stressing both fitness and educational categories. The fitness activities were both group and individual. Members of the experimental group engaged in fitness activities after an individual exercise prescription was discussed. Educational programs were held during a six - month period ln various categories. The categories Included nutrition, stress management, health awareness/management, and safety awareness/management. A two- way analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis ln this study. An F test was completed for each of the eight null hypotheses. The computer program that was used to complete the statistical analysis was the Statistical Analysis System from the SAS Institute in North Carolina. The experimental group performed better than the comparison group so the null hypothesis was rejected at the .05 level of significance for HDL, the total cholesterol/HDL ratio, triglycerides, and body weight in pounds. The null hypothesis was accepted for total cholesterol, LDL, body fat, and blood pressure. Several conclusions were drawn from this study. Education needs to be a planned integral part of the health promotion program. A health interest survey is important when planning a health promotion program. Participants in the study changed life-style behavior. This was true in the areas of both exercise and nutrition. All individuals in this study definitely want the health promotion program to be continued at Trenton State College. The first recommendation was that a comprehensive health promotion program should be continued at Trenton State College for faculty, staff, and administration. The program should also be made available to students, spouses of faculty, staff, and administration. Fees should be charged for the various assessment measurements to help defray costs. Recommendations for design and administration of the program include use ACSM guidelines to determine risk factors, write an individual exercise prescription for each participant, include nutrition education for all individuals, use the “Health Logic" computer program, and schedule educational programs using different time periods. Exercise equipment should be purchased for the program and all the participants should meet together for activities at least once a month. A wellness section should be made available ln the library and the health professionals should work in cooperation with the food service personnel on campus. The last recommendation ls that an exercise physiologist should be hired to work with the program director.

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