Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Work Experience Programs, Work Experience, Vocational Education, Special Education, Mental Retardation, Student Employment, On the Job Training, Moderate Mental Retardation, Secondary Education, Special Education Student Employment, Job Training, Trainers, Trainable Mentally Handicapped, Experimental Programs, Vocational Rehabilitation.


The absence of an effective work study program to provide community based work experience for a high school transition class and the effectiveness of job trainer training procedures was remedied by the development and implementation of a plan to include five educable and trainable transition students and one job trainer at a community work environment. The work study program developed in-class job readiness skills along on-site work experiences at community based work environments to prepare students for societal productive coexistence after graduation. The program also focused on the selection, training, and supervision of a job trainer who exhibited competency in student supervision and training at the work site. Program success depended on job trainer effectiveness that enhanced student skill acquisition and readiness for post graduation paid supported employment. The results showed that the targeted transition students performed on the job, developed necessary skills and self-confidence and provided employers with a reliable, attentive, punctual and a motivated work force. The job trainer, who nurtured on site student skill development, maintained a viable program. Appendices include a sample student attendance record, a sample student skill acquisition checklist, a sample parent survey, a sample student employment appraisal, and a sample job trainer competency evaluation.

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