Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Dr. Georgianna Lowen


Involvement, Parents Workshops, Teachers (and Parents), Cooperative, Teachers and Parents Communications, Teachers and Parents, Self Esteem, Students.


This practicum aimed to increase parental involvement in the elementary school. It also attempted to provide workshops for the parents to help them realize the valuable role they play in their children’s education. Six Parent-Teacher-Child workshops were designed to teach parents and children how to work together: Modeling technique as well as “hands on” activities were all part of the Parent Outreach Program. Sign in sheets for parents, teachers and children were provided and data was collected after each session. Checklists, Questionnaires and Surveys developed by this author were used. Feedback information was also collected. Outcomes of this practicum were encouraging; all of the objectives were achieved. Attendance at all PTA meetings and workshops increased considerably. Parents attended field trips and stopped by to help in the classroom. Teachers became increasingly involved and encouraged by parent’s response. An extraordinary side effect of this practicum was an increase of self esteem on the part of the parents and students. Another positive side effect of this practicum was an increase of student achievement on the SAT scores and other final testing scores. The data from this practicum strongly demonstrates that a) when parents and teachers work together, positive results emerge, b) with an increase of parental involvement there can be a difference in achievement of the students and c) when parents make themselves visible in school the students’ behavior improves as well as the students’ self esteem.

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