Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


William W. Anderson


Reading Instruction, Whole Language, Keyboarding, Computer Assisted Instruction, Elementary Education, Computer Aided Learning.


This practicum was designed to improve reading comprehension in third grade. The peripheral goal was to improve the efficient use of the microcomputer as a tool to supplement reading comprehension. The writer-developed program included computer lab experiences to teach keyboarding skills, language arts, software use and the use of a wordprocessing program in combination with the Junior Great Books to promote discussion and interpretive evaluation skills along with other whole language activities. The writer began implementation by administering a pre-test of reading comprehension. Students were also given a post-test of reading comprehension and their reading scores on the Comprehensive Testing Program taken during his time were compared to the preceding third grade’s second and third grade reading test scores. The results of the practicum were positive. Analysis of the date revealed that the participants met the behavioral expectations. The general objective of the practicum to improve reading comprehensions in grade three was successfully met.

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