Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Communication (Thought Transfer), Communication Research, Communication Skills, Group Communication, Decision Group Dynamics, Effective Schools, Group Beauvoir, Interpersonal Relationship, Leadership, Listening, Organizational Climate, Organizational Culture, Organizational Effectiveness, Problem Solving, Team Training


The author developed and implemented a program to facilitate communication and improve working relationships among members of an elementary school staff. The purpose of the project was to improve communication and collegial relationships within an elementary school. The program consisted of three components: (1) a series of inservice workshops for faculty to strengthen self-knowledge and understanding of others and to introduce effective communication skills; (2) additional training in team building for team leaders and (3) concrete adjustments in communication mechanisms. The results were mixed. The level of communication and collegial relationships improved, but not to the extent that had been set up in the design objectives. Appendices include communication survey, list of indicators used as measure of need, and outlines of inservice sessions and mechanical improvements put in place. A follow up component was planned.

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