Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Polly Peterson


Career Planning, Child Advocacy, Eligibility, Emotional Disabilities, Federal Aid, Federal Programs, Financial Aid Application, Financial Support, Income, Information Needs, Mainstreaming, Parent Education, Rehabilitation, Supplemental Security Income, Teacher Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Training.


This practicum was designed to educate Severely Emotionally Disturbed (SED) students, parents, and educational professionals in regards to supplemental security, income, vocational rehabilitation, and vocational training. Application and procedural information was conveyed to empower students and their parents with skills necessary to apply and receive, when eligible, financial assistance in enrollment in appropriate vocational training programs. The practicum also attempted to provide information to Exceptional Student Education (ESE) professionals involved with special needs students. Instructional in-services were provided in one on one and family counseling sessions to S.E.D. students and to their families. And in service was provided to E.S.E. teachers geared to providing information which they could use with their respective populations. A second in-service was provided to district behavior specialists, S.E.D. counselors and school psychologists. Coordination with various government and vocational agencies was provided throughout the practicum to students and parents. The final result of the practicum was successful as students, who were eligible, but not receiving assistance, began to receive assistance. Parents were extremely grateful for the assistance. Teachers presented with practicum information were pleased with its efficiency, as were other special education professionals. Communication between the S.E.D. program, families and community agencies was enhanced with regular meetings, along with the development of a cooperative system for providing assistance and application information. S.E.D. students and their families were provided with a structural plan for the future and provided skills to better cope with acquiring application assistance.

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