Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Anita Barrett


The relation between salaries and turnover within an organization is one of the most troublesome and disruptive problems that management must face. The affects of inadequate salary can result in low morale. low productivity. and high employee turnover. The campuses of Texas State Technical Institute have experienced a rise in the turnover rate for clerical employees. The system administration has attributed this turnover increase to salary. This study examined the reasons given by the clerical employees who voluntarily resigned from Texas State Technical Institute during a designated time frame and analyzed these reasons to determine if there was a relationship between salary and resignation. The independence of the salary and resignation reasons was tested statistically through the use of Chi square (x2) to determine if a relationship existed. Since the computed value for the study. .943, did not exceed the critical value, 5.99, the results of the x2 test of independence supported the null hypothesis for the study that there was no relationship between pay grades in the salary structure for the clerical employees and the reasons for resigning at TSTI. Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted; and it was concluded that the reasons clerical employees within the TSTI systems gave for leaving were independent of salary. Data from the individual campuses within the TSTI system indicated that turnover and tenure were influenced by salary; but the only campus with data to support the research hypothesis prediction that resignation related to salary was the Anatillo campus. Recommendations made as the result of this, study were: salary study should be conducted on the TSTI-Amarillo campus and the results should be used to support a legislative request for funds to increase clerical salaries on that campus, a salary study should be conducted on each TSTI campus and the results should be used by the system administration to reexamine the clerical salary structure and to upgrade any deficiencies found as the result of these surveys, and procedures should be developed for a biennial study of clerical salaries in the TSTI system.

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