Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Jane Matson


Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) nurses were experiencing stress caused by Increased severity of patient illness, increased use of sophisticated medical and support technology and the nursing shortage. ORMC nurse preceptors experienced the additional stress of orienting vast numbers of new nursing employees each year. At the time of this study, there were minimal extrinsic rewards for being a preceptor. Two problems were identified in this study. One was a lack of motivation and educational expertise among many ORMC nurses to assume and/or continue the role of nurse preceptor. The second was an apparently high attrition rate among registered and graduate nurses. This study used information related to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as an educational and motivational tool for preceptors and orientees. The MBTI described the personality dimensions of individual perception and decision-making. It was based on the theory developed by the Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung. This theory stressed the princip-es of understanding of self and others which, in turn, enhanced communication and working relationships. Type theory wes simple to teach; it had weaning for the individual and was relevant to the preceptor-orientee relationship. The theory's universal appeal, paradoxical simplicity of concept and diversity of application, made it an ideal motivational tool for use with the preceptors and orientees. Prior to a scheduled Preceptor Workshop, the MBTI was administered to all ORMC preceptors. At the Workshop, an overview of the MBTI with implication for teaching and learning was presented along with individual preceptor's Myers-Briggs type. Subsequently, an experimental group of nursing orientees completed the MBTI and received individual learning guides based on type information developed for this study and evaluated by an expert panel according to established criteria. A control group of orientees was also established which did not take the MBTI and did not receive learning guides or any other specific attention directed by this study. The experimental group shared their learning guides with their preceptors so that the unit orientation could be mutually planned to meet the individual orientee's learning style and needs. Evaluation tools were developed to assess the use and perceived value of the learning guides and type information during the unit orientation by the orientees and preceptors. Using a Chi-Square test of frequency, attrition rates from among the experimental and control groups of orientees were assessed for a six month period from April to October, 1989. The Chi-Square test revealed that registered and graduate nurse orientees who took the MBTI, received the Personality and Learning Resource Book and had the opportunity to use this information during the unit level orientation had a significantly less attrition rate than orientees in a control group. Recommendations related to this study included: 1) replication of this design, both at ORMC and in a different setting, to validate initial results: 2) making study content and results available to CRMC administration with suggestions for a re-evaluation of preceptor rewards; and, 3) making study results available to multiple healthcare organizations and educational institutions through the Florida Hospital Association, the Florida Nurses Association and healthcare publications.

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