Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Dr. Anita Barrett


The major purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a significant need to instruct El Centro computer students as to what constitutes computer crime. Recent studies have determined that students are prime candidates to commit computer crimes. The computer science students do not understand the relationship between ethical behavior and criminal behavior. The sample consisted of students enrolled in selected introductory computer courses at El Centro College in Dallas, Texas. To obtain data for the study, four classes of equal size were randomly selected and divided into two groups. One group was taught a section on computer crimes, and the other group was only taught the material presented in the assigned textbook. Both groups were tested with the same multi-choice test. The results of the test were compared using a t-test of independent means. The .05 level of significance was selected as a point of rejection. The statistical analysis of the test results found significant differences in test scores of the two different groups of students. The results of the test that rejected the hypothesis. The test has determined that there was a significant difference. As a result of the study, proper procedures will be implemented to propose that El Centro students enrolled in Introductory to Computer Science courses should receive training in the recognition of computer criminal activity.

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