Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Panhandle State University examinees' passing rate on the Oklahoma Teacher Competency Tests has steadily declined since state-wide testing was begun in 1982. The purpose of this study was to review the results of the Elementary Education Competency Tests for the 1982-1987 years in relation to the examinees academic achievement and demographic date. seek the perceptions of the faculty and students regulating the alignment of Elementary Competency Test Objectives with selected General Education course objectives, and finally, identify and evaluate a set of systematic procedures for reviewing the alignment of Competency Test Objectives with content course objectives in other certificate areas. Th2 PSU Elementary examinees' passing rate since 1982 has continued to fall behind the state-wide passing rate. This investigation has been conducted to obtain answers to the following questions: (1) Do the Elementary Education examinees who fail the Oklahoma Competency Test differ from those that pass the test? (2) Have the Elementary Education examinees been tested on the specific course content that has been taught in the Elementary curriculum areas? (3) Are there curriculum or instructional changes that will better assist the Elementary Education. examinees to successfully pass the Oklahoma Competency Test? (4) What are the specific elements/components needed to develop a set of systematic procedures for the purpose of reviewing the examinees Competency Test performance in each of the other certificate areas? The demographics, test scores and post-secondary student achievement data were collected for all Elementary Education examinees who have taken the Competency Tests. The demographic and achievement data were collected on the second semester 1988-1989 students enrolled in senior level Elementary method courses. The general Education faculty and students had opportunity to complete a Faculty or Student Emphasis Evaluation Questionnaire. The Independent Raters, members of the Task Force have evaluated and rated how thoroughly the Elementary Competency Objectives has been included in the syllabi. The first group of study subjects included al Elementary examinees for the years 1982 through 1987. A second group of subjects included all second semester 1939-1990 Elementary Education majors currently enrolled in the senior level Elementary methods courses. The third group of subjects included the instructors who taught the required General Education courses. The Elementary examinees’ and students’ data were classified by achievement, non-traditional/traditional, non-transfer/transfer, pass/fail, race an sex. A team of raters reviewed the content course syllabi and identified each listed Elementary Competency Test Objectives. A questionnaire was completed by the faculty members and the senior level methods course students to indicate whether the content identified by the Competency Test Objectives had been taught in the General Education content courses. All of the Elementary examinees (26%) from 1982 through 1987 with an overall grade point average (OGPA) of 3.50 and above passed the Elementary Competency Test. Approximately, eighty percent of the Elementary examinees from 1982 through 1987 passed the Competency Test. Of the total number of Elementary examinees participating in the study, forty-three percent were non-traditional students. Fifty percent of the examinees were classified as transfer students. A large percentage of the Elementary examinees were classified as Caucasian by race (96%) and female (94%) by sex. The Independent Raters have reported a relatively low number of Elementary Competency Test Objectives had been listed in the General Education course syllabi. The General Education faculty members have indicated that the content identified by the Oklahoma Competency Test Objectives was "extremely well taught" in a majority of the subtest area courses. Students enrolled in the senior level methods courses indicated that the content identified by the Oklahoma Competency Test Objectives was "extremely well taught" in three-fourths of the subtest area courses. The findings of the study have resulted in the following Task Force recommendations: (1) Determine the sophomore level college students' mastery of basic academic skills. (2) Develop an in-depth study of the Elementary examinees performance in each of the five subtest areas; language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and the additional areas for practices of grade inflation. (3) Study the impact that non-traditional and transfer examinees may be having on the Elementary examinees' passing rate. (4) Revise and up-date the Elementary curriculum content course syllabi to increase curriculum alignment. (5) Develop for the students test taking strategies to increase the Elementary examinees passing rate. (6) Expand the set of systematic procedures to evaluate the performance of secondary examinees in other certificate areas.

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