Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Early Childhood, Piagetian Theory, Abstract Reasoning, Concept Teaching, Cognitive Theory, Analogies, Classification, Learning Activities, Metacognition, Problem Solving, Manipulatives, Concrete Operations, Experiential Learning


The ability of first and second graders to use reasoning skills was addressed by the implementation of strategies to develop inferential thinking and analogical reasoning. Piagetian theory was researched in reference to expected levels of cognitive development. The target group of students received instruction in problem-solving to enable them to make inferences. They also received instruction in determining relationships to enable them to solve analogies. Instructional strategies included: modeling, verbal rehearsal, metacognition, peer tutoring, manipulative learning, and discovery learning. The students' progress was measured by Precision Teaching (a monitoring system involving charting to document growth). Inservice training was provided by a mentor to augment the researcher’s knowledge of cognitive theory and its application in the classroom. Results indicated that strategy interventions provided by a teacher, in combination with inservice training provided by a mentor, served o train the students to use higher level thinking skills. Appendices include: Precision Teaching charts, pre and posttest, sample activity sheets, students drawing, and sample probes.

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