Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


During the past year, Boward Community College (BCC) has witnessed a decline of social societies. Data ascertained to analyze how societal factors have affected social societies was collected through an alumni and student survey. The inquiry contained interview questions concerning the effects of societal factors on social societies and how they affected those organizations. The questions were responded to buy thirty former and current student leaders of the College’s social organizations, who volunteered solutions or the betterment of student life. These participants were selected on a non-random basis of availability from the college registration files. The responses were computed by the College’s data systems department which formulated the frequency responses and percentages. The information that was gathered from those data printouts attended to the view of the surveyed population who felt that one’s own sense of belonging, together with one’s appreciation of existing social societies were catalysts for quality student life. The respondents felt it essential to maximize student life by changing the direction of these societies to meet the needs of the student. Recommendations based on this study include the following: (1) a student life proposal be developed for submission to the administration for implementation during new student orientation in August, 1985: (2) a series if leadership retreats under the direction of the Student Activities staff will continue to build no the leadership skills, fund-raising projects, and proposals for social interaction among students: and, (3) co-sponsored events between social societies and Student Activities be organized to foster enrollment in social organizations to begin Fall, 1985.

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