Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Liberty University, a conversative, religious liberal arts institution in Central Virginia, has offered a music education program since 1973. The program has undergone many changes since its inception, yet several deficiencies in the program existed. A few of these deficiencies had already been identified, but before solutions were incorporated into the music education programs, it was determined that the entire program should be analyzed. In an effort to develop and improve the music education program, five research questions were proposed: 1. What areas of preparation for future music teachers are being met at other state collee and universities that are not being met at Liberty University? 2. What forms are used at other state colleges and universities to aid in the placement, observation, and assessment of music students teachers that could be incorporated into the forms used at Liberty University? 3. What method of acquitting feedback about their music education programs are used at other state colleges and universities that could be used at Liberty University? 4. What areas of preparation for student teaching in music do former music student teacher and cooperating teachers believe can be improved and how can such improvement be incorporated into the existing music education program at Liberty University? 5. Is there a need for music education coordinator and, if so, what responsibilities would this position entail? In order to answer the five research questions, three instruments were developed and distributed. The instruments were designed to provide information that could be used to answer the research questions and also provide additional information that could be used in future research. The data obtained through the completed instruments were complied and submitted to a committee consisting of the two present music student teacher supervisors at Liberty University, a music education course instructor, and a faculty member from the School of Education. This committee produced the following list of deficiencies: 1. There are too easy semester hours of credit (149 total) required is the music education program: 2. There is not enough emphasis on the “teaching” of music: 3. There is not enough emphasis on elementary music methods: 4. There has not been consistent supervision of the music student teachers: 5. There is a need for more guided observation experiences of different music teachers before the student teaching experience: 6. There is a need for more guided and instruction in the area of discipline: and 7. a music education coordinator is needed to oversee the entire program. Possible solutions for the deficiencies were proposed, based on the current available literature. These solutions were then presented to the aforementioned committee and various administrators, who approved four specific improvements: 1. A Master Education program will be developed which will allow music students to receive a master’s degree with only a listed number of additional courses. 2. A module entitled “Discipline in Music” has been developed to help music student teachers better understand the discipline techniques especially useful is the area of music. This module will be utilized is the subfree-week student teaching “sick” takes immediately before the student teaching experience. 3. A “Music Student Teacher Placement Information” were has been developed to be used to better place the music student teacher at appropriate elementary and secondary schools. 4. The position of “Music Education Coordinator” will be created and the responsibility of this position will be defined. Other improvements will be incorporated into the music education program as design appropriate by the relevant Chairmen. Based on the completed instruments, it can be concluded that the music education program at Liberty University is not too different from ither music education programs in the state of Virginia in the training of elementary and secondary music teachers. By incorporating the proposed improvements into the program, music education should continue to develop and improve of Liberty University.

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