Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Abstract Reasoning, Instructional design, Science Activities, Science Tests, Science Literacy, Self Concept, Social Cognition, Students Developed Material, Test Construction, Verbal Development, Instructional Innovation


The practicum proposal was directed at a targeted group of migrant sixth grade students who were performing below grade expectations in science. Remediation was provided in an effort to improve the migrant students’ comprehension and use of basic scientific terms. The remediation activities enabled students to develop comprehension through frequent purposeful drill and review of key scientific terms. Vocabulary was presented as an integrated activity. Pre and Posttest were administered to the migrant students. Mean scores showed at least a 20 percent increase in performance on unified science curriculum tests. Student grades also improve by at least one letter grade.

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