Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this study was to develop a series of learning activities relevant to the needs of the moderately-disabled, brain-injured individual who is involved in a secondary rehabilitation program. The major components which the learning activities addressed were balance, coordination, and flexibility. The hypothesis of this study was that brain-injured persons who were engaged in the newly-designed learning activity program would develop a significantly greater level of: (1) static balance, (2) neuro-muscular coordination, and (3) flexibility than the group which did not experience such a program. This hypothesis was tested using an Analysis of Covariance to the .05 level of significance. Additionally, a dependent t-test was performed to investigate trends not distinguished by the Analysis of Covariance. This study followed a pretest and posttest format utilizing both a control and experimental group. The learning activity packet, which was the major intent of this study, was developed based upon the results of a questionnaire, additional input provided from an Advisory Board, as well as from a review of relevant literature. The questionnaire was refined after several pilot studies. The scope of the questionnaire primarily addressed the issues of cause of injury, therapist experience with the moderately-disabled, head injured, and exercises that would best facilitate improvement in physical fitness. Those individuals surveyed by this study were corrective and physical therapists, and adapted physical educators throughout the state of California. The results of the questionnaire lead to the formation of the learning activity packet program. This program was assessed after a twelve week period with fifteen male subjects. This learning activity program was compared to a traditional program, commonly referred to as the control group. Both groups were identical. The analysis of the data showed that flexibility, coordination, and balance on the right side of the body improved significantly, while the left side did not manifest any significant change in these components. After analyzing the results, the Advisory Board recommended that the newly-designed learning activity packet program be incorporated into the existing curriculum. The Board also suggested that several minor modifications of the program be made to improve the effectiveness of the packet. The Board believed that additional studies should be performed to gain more specific details on which subjects gained the most from this program. i.e., left or right hemiplegics. Overall, the Advisory Board believed that the new learning activity program better facilitates learning for moderately-disabled, head injured individuals involved in a secondary rehabilitation program then previous programs.

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