Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Secondary Education, Reading Comprehension, Critical Thinking, Inferencing, Mapping, Groups, Cooperative Learning, Networking, Fact and Opinion, Drawing Conclusions, Social Studies, Metacognitive Strategies


A large number of academic deficiencies among ninth and tenth grade students in a college preparatory school signaled a problem diagnosed as poor reading comprehension in the Social Students content area. The Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test and the Coopersmith Self-esteem Test were administered to ascertain these problems in comprehension and resulting poor performance on tests/quizzes. A teacher authored test readily showed that the problems did exist. Students were taught five metacognitive study skills strategies, grouped in cooperative leaning peer groups, and taught mapping or clustering to aid notetaking and recall. At the conclusion of the implementation period, an improvement of at least 30 percent in 80 percent of the students was seen. Appendices include tests, survey, individual process sheets, grade sheets, letter to parents, students essay’s and charts.

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