Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this Practicum was to develop a guide for parttime teachers of adults aimed at providing basic information about the Northeast Wisconsin Vocational, Technical and Adult Education (NWVTAE) District and at orienting the teachers to the functions of instruction. Based on the review of literature, expressed and perceived needs of part-time teachers of adults, needs identified in the Self Study Report: Northeast Wisconsin Technical Institute, and analyses of the "Teacher Improvement Form" and "The Instructor/Course Evaluation Form", an Instructor's Guide for Beginning Part-Time Teachers of Adults focusing on functions of instruction was developed. Based on administrative interviews regarding the roles and functions of part-time teachers of adults and NWVTAE District policies and procedures, an audio cassette tape was developed for use by beginning part-time teachers of adults for the purpose of orientation to the NWVTAE District. Evaluation response to the Instructor’s Guide for Beginning Part-Time Teachers of Adults and to the audio tape were very good according to the results of the pilot testing and the evaluation of the materials developed. Beginning teachers found them either very helpful or somewhat helpful. It is anticipated that the materials will continue to be used with regular revision and modifications. They will continue to provide a basis for meeting the needs of beginning part-time teachers of adults in the NWVTAE District and will complement the series of six slide tape presentations developed statewide and designed to aid the beginning teacher. It is recommended that further documentation if in-service needs and characteristics of part-time teachers of adults in the NWVTAE district be accomplished through the use of surveys. Further, it is recommended that a long range plan for continued high quality in-service educational programs be developed to meet the needs of ever increasing numbers of part-time teachers of adults in the NWVTAE District and in the State of Wisconsin.

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