Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Shelby State Community College (SSCC) is one of forty-six institutions comprising the State University and Community College System of Tennessee (SBR). The SBR enrolls large numbers of students each year who have educational objectives that are subject to change. Students who wish to transfer from two-to four-year institutions often lose credit, and are sometimes required to repeat course content already learned. This results in increased attrition, and loss of money and time for students, faculty, and taxpayers. The purpose of this major applied research project was to devise an articulation model between SSCC, Memphis State University (MSU), and Tennessee State University (TSU). The project was conducted utilizing the case study methodology, and was designed to bring definitive resolution to the following research questions: 1. Which academic programs and courses in community colleges are considered equivalent or "parallel'' in universities within the SBR? 2. What are the differences and commonalities in the General Education Core Curriculums? 3. Does course content duplication exist in required courses in university parallel programs at community col leges and the general education core at universities? 4. How have other states solved this problem? 5. How could a uniform academic calendar, student information system software, and course numbering system facilitate articulation/transfer? The methodology utilized was systematically related to the research questions posed, the results of which was the operational framework for the model derived. The review of literature was conducted to determine what others have done to resolve articulation problems. Elements of existing articulation programs that were compatible with the SBR system's academic, administrative, and technological framework were adapted for use in the model derived in this project. Case records were established on TSU, MSU, and SSCC to analyze the characteristics of these institutions. A cross-case analysis was conducted on the case records to determine commonality and differences in their general education core curricula. Interviews were conducted with personnel from MSU, TSU, and SSCC to obtain additional information and clarification. The model derived was based on information in the literature review, documents published by SBR and its institutions, interviews, meetings, and conferences, and a comparative cross - case analysis. The model includes a common general education core curriculum for the Associate of Arts and Science, and the Bachelor of Arts and Science degrees. The model also includes a common course numbering system that facilitates use of standardized student information systems software. A definition of plus-two articulation, and provisions that SBR' s associate degree holders be fully admitted to its universities in junior level standing are a part of the model. It was concluded that serious fragmentation does exist among SBR institutions. It was also concluded that there is a need for a uniform systemwide articulation model, a set of policies and procedures to guide articulation and transfer processes, and computer-assisted articulation processes designed to assist in transfer credit delivery and evaluation. The following recommendations were formulated for the SBR as a result of the study: 1. Adopt the Articulation Model derived in this study, including common course numbering, and mandate its use by all SBR institutions. 2. Appoint a Task Force on Articulation comprised of key personnel from selected SBR community colleges and universities to conduct further study and devise strategies to implement and improve the Model. 3. Appoint a Task Force to develop specific policies and procedures for implementing computer- assisted transfer processing .

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