Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


South Mountain Community College was established in 1978 to serve the South Phoenix community, which consists primary of minority and low income people. The college is currently experiencing enrollment, curriculum and morale problems which imply that the initial planning for the college did not take into account the diverse student population at the college. The purpose of this study was to determine and document the political issues surrounding the political issues surrounding the establishment of SMCC from the founding administration, faculty and staff perspective. In order to obtain such information, a questionnaire was developed and informal interviews conducted. Founding administrators, faculty and staff members wee interviewed to determine the following: political issues surrounding site selection, faculty, staff, and administration selection; selection of the curriculum; and budget allocations. Results of the interviews revealed that many groups and individuals were directly politically involved in the establishment of SMCC. The results also revealed that very little planning was done to ensure that the college would meet the needs of the South Phoenix Community. Based on the results of the interviews recommendations were made which included surveying the community to determine demographics, educational interest and levels. It was also recommended that recruiting strategies be developed and the curriculum and support services be expanded.

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