Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


It was the purpose of this study to plan a promotional strategy for the Library/Instructional Media Technology program at Cuyahoga Community College. This strategy consisted of developing a professional-looking brochure for the program, establishing distribution places for the brochure, and arranging for news releases and other publicity to complement the distribution of the brochure. Procedures included the actual steps of developing a program brochure from inception to the finished product. A major consideration in writing copy for the brochure was a survey of students currently enrolled in the program. The primary purpose of the survey was to determine what types of information students themselves needed in a college publication of this type. Another survey was conducted ament Cleveland public school head counselors to ascertain the best distribution points for the brochure. Finally, arrangements were made for the dissemination of news releases to promote the program. Results of this study follow. A program brochure the Library/ Instructional Media Technology program has been developed. According to he needs expressed by students, the brochures contains information relating the program to the world of work. Entry-level job skills which are taught in the program are listed in the brochure. Counselors surveyed indicated that the most appropriate places for brochure dissemination were high school guidance offices and media centers as well as local libraries. Finally, the Office of College Relations has been enlisted in circulating news releases to promote the program.

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