Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Within the governance of Malcom X College as an educational institution, the Dietetic Technology (DT)-Nutrition program underwent an intensive audit in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses as a program and make corresponding changes as needed for the benefit of the students and the college as a whole. As a result of this audit, a need for curriculum revision was established so that the DT-Nutrition program can meet new expectations and demands by the students, the employment field for dietetic technicians, and the accreditation agency: hence, the culmination of the old program and the emergence of a new curriculum for the program. For procedural processes in the task of curriculum development the essential guidelines for accreditation of a dietetic technician program as set forth by the American Dietetic Association and the requisite guidelines for earning an Associative in Applied Science degree from the City College of Chicago were used as principal parameters. The addition of the Food Service Sanitation course, an education course for dietetic technician students, and general education courses that will transfer into 4-year universities for a baccalaureate degree, were among the main features of the new an ungraded curriculum. Approved by the accreditation agency, the City College of Chicago and the Illinois Community College Board, the curriculum has been fully implemented by Malcom X College as of last fall semester, 1986. To insure program quality, recommendation include continual assessment and evaluation of courses, faculty and students, articulation with 4-year universities, and regular dialogues with employers.

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