Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Achievement, Adult, At Risk, Educational Leadership, Intervention, Self Concept, Self Esteem, Vocational School


The writer built into a vocational school’s remedial program techniques and strategies to develop in disadvantaged adult learners’ positive attitudes and a success oriented mind set in order to improve confident, self-image, and attitude about their personal potential for success in school, on the job, and in life. On entry into the remedial program, students were given an attitude survey to determine how they felt about their past academic success and about themselves in a school setting. They were also given the Barbe modality test at that time to enable the writer to better prescribe appropriate materials to meet their academic needs. Following these tests the writer worked with the students individually and in bi-weekly group sessions for a ten week period. A post test at the conclusion of the program or upon the student’s completion of the remediation showed evidence of improved self-image and revealed a more optimistic attitude in the group’s members. Those students who had not completed their academic remediation at the end of the implementation period indicated that it was their intent to do so. It was concluded that the inclusion of motivational, image building instruction in the remedial program was beneficial for the adult learners and by more effectively meeting the needs of the students served, enhanced the remedial program.

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