Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


This study identified the cognitive style of senior students in a school of nursing and correlated it to a measure of professional achievement – the National Council License Examination for Registered nurses (NCLEX-RN). The hypothesis tested was that there would be a significant relationship between scores on the Brain (Cognitive) Preference Index (B.P.I.) and final scores achieved by students on the NCLEX-RN. Thirty senior students comprised the research sample. The independent variable, cognitive style, was qualified into five categories (right, moderate-right, integrated, moderate-left, left) with set ranges by using the B.P.I., and the dependent variables was operationalized as the score achieved on the NCLEX-RN. The Pearson Correlation statistic was used to identified the extent to which variation in cognitive style corresponded to variations in achievement. The null hypothesis was accepted since the results of the investigation showed that there was no significant correlation between achievement and cognitive style. Descriptive findings demonstrated that fifty-four percent of the students had an integrated cognitive preference. No students demonstrated a lateralized right of left preference. Thirty-one percent demonstrated moderate-right preference with fifteen percent categorized with a moderate-left preference. Despite non-significant result, this study is important since it refutes literature which states that the educational system fosters left cognitive styles in academic programs. It is recommended that the study be replicated to confirm results identified individual student cognitive styles as a means for guidance and academic counseling, and conduct educational program to enable faculty and students to use cognitive style as a means of learner assessment.

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