Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Elementary Secondary Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Emotional Disturbances, Emotional Problems, Educationally Disadvantaged, Emotionally Handicapped, Study Habits, Study Skills, Study, Independent Study, Metacognition, Mnemonics, Role Learning, Serial Learning, Primacy Effect, Affective Objectives, Humanistic Education, Advance Organizers, Associative Learning, Visualization, Time Factors (Learning), Time on Task, Grouping (Instructional Purposes), Small Group Instruction, Group Instruction, Therapeutic Environment, Study Guides, Sequential Learning, Behavior Chaining, Group Pacing, Interval Pacing, Self Pacing, Course Organization, Educational Therapy.


This author developed and implemented a self-monitoring study strategy with an affective focus. It was designed to address eight target behaviors that interfered with classroom performance. Based on a questionnaire and inventory administered to 34 students and eight teachers the problems identified were directly associated with the process of independent study. The targeted problems were demonstrating impatience, setting goals, allowing distractions to delay, reviewing paper before turning in, rushing through an assignment, expecting assignment to be difficult, requesting assistance appropriately and relying too much on others. The strategy was eventually used with 13 severely emotionally disturbed students at the secondary level. The author's intent was to increase on-task behavior by reducing the level of severity and/or frequency of occurrence of these behaviors during the classtime where the implementation occurred. Using mathematics as the content area, the students were instructed to divide tasks, set goals, monitor their feelings, and evaluate their performance on daily assignments. A student booklet was also developed to accompany the strategy and function as a weekly progress record. Following the post assessment, both the students and their teachers rated 50 to 90 percent of the target behaviors as well as other behaviors as positively altered or eliminated completely. The work output of the students increased slightly and attitudinal change was evident and well documented. (Appendices include student and teacher assessment instruments, worksheets, data tabulation, and the strategy booklet.)

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