Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Elementary Science, Limited English Proficiency, Bilingual Science, Cooperative Learning, Hands On Science, Scientific Method in Primary Grades, Preparation of Science Fair Exhibit


Minimal class participation by students with limited English proficiency and failure of the students with limited English proficiency to pass tests given in the regular classroom were addressed by the implementation of a science program involving strategies for the use of the scientific method of investigation, hands-on activities, experiments, music, creative movements done to poetry, and a science fair exhibit. Cooperative learning strategies were employed, utilizing the bilingual setting to the extent that each student with limited English proficiency was paired with at least two bilingual students who spoke both Spanish, the language of the target group, and English. Special provisions were made with bilingual teachers for assessment of those students who were unable to be tested in English. The results indicated that a comprehensive program utilizing bilingual cooperative learning paired with active involvement of all students in a wide range of instructional strategies will better meet the needs of students with limited English proficiency.

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