Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Primary Education, Elementary Education, Whole Language, Interdisciplinary Approach, Social Studies, Civics, Curriculum.


A high percentage of students in a second grade class with low socio-economic characteristics demonstrated exceptionally low achievement in social studies. The problem was addressed by the implementation of an interdisciplinary program to increase basic skills in all areas of the curriculum. Activities designed to increase the target group's understanding of social studies concepts while practicing skills in reading, language arts, math, and science were incorporated into all subject areas utilizing a whole language approach. An emphasis on critical thinking and daily news events allowed for student growth in inferential comprehension and the formation of attitudes about the world. The results indicated a significant increase in social studies achievement for all target group members. Students also demonstrated positive affective changes as their concern and interest for issues in the news increased. Appendices include diagnostic and observation sheets, sample testing instruments, and additional student data.

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