Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Listening Comprehension, Listening Skills, First Grade Students, Direct Instruction, Listening Habits, Effective Learning, Listening Tests.


This practicum was designed to investigate the effects of direct instruction in listening skills as it relates to effective learning among first grade students in an elementary school located in a rural area. The goals were to provide training in listening to follow oral directions and listening for sequences in stories for five first grade students. Progress in listening skills was measured with pre and posttests of a Likert type rating scale. Activities implemented included: (1) daily group activities devoted to listening activities and games; (2) listening center; and (3) story time. Evaluation data indicated that all five students who participated in the program improved significantly in listening skills. Recommendations were made for replication of this program in other first grade classes in the implementing school and other schools within the geographic area.

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