Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Mathematics Skills for Primary Education, Measurement Techniques for Primary Education, Piagetian Theories, Concrete-Operational Thought, Time, Piagetian Measurements


Although time-telling has been an essential part of the curriculum since kindergarten, there were third grade students at the practicum site who were unable to tell time by five and one minute intervals. Results from a student survey, teacher survey and a county standardized test confirmed this statement. Since telling time is an abstract concept, a more concrete approach was used in presenting the skill. Piaget's theory that logical ideas can be applied and understood if presented in concrete form was the basis for teaching this concept. The goal for this practicum was to improve the targeted students' ability to tell time by walking around a clock made of cement stones. The different approach was successful and enjoyed by the students. The staff was fully aware of the clock's presence and the availability of its use. An article concerning this project was published in the local newspaper. Included ln the Appendices are: diagrams, activities, directions, a story, results of surveys and discussions, tests, photographs and a newspaper article.

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