Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


First Assistant Survey, Patient in Surgery, Operating Room Techniques, Healing and Hemostasis, Anatomy and Physiology, Positioning, Instrumentation, Microbiologic Basis of Asepsis, Suturing Techniques, Collaborative Practices, Historical Background, Perioperative Nursing, Providing Exposure.


The evolution of contemporary medical practice over the past 30 years is extraordinary. This researcher has observed medical practitioners with many years of preparation in the role as first assistant to the surgeon. When phrases as "cost effective and cost containment" were verbalized it was obvious radical changes were to be made. As time went by non-physicians were employed as first assistants. These individuals attained certification by going through rigorous training programs for surgical assistants. Registered nurses were assigned to assist the surgeons in surgery. An on-the-job training was taking place. Unfortunately, only the practical application of surgical assisting was being emphasized with little or no theory being taught. This practicum is designed to credential those professionals as first assistants. Appendices include first assistant survey by state, affiliation agreement, RN first assistant study guide, pre/post test, and evaluation tools.

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