Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Practicum Report, Nova University, Center for the Advancement of Education Descriptors: Secondary Education, Mentally Handicapped, Drug Abuse, Alcoholism, Illegal Drug Use, Tobacco, Drug Education, Health Education, Stimulants, Sedatives, Smoking.


The author developed a special program to help Mentally Handicapped teenagers gain knowledge in the area of Substance Abuse Education. Objectives included the recognition of good role models and self esteem, identification of the respiratory system and how it works, how the use of harmful substances impairs the body systems, identification of the commercialism involved in promoting tobacco and alcoholic products, identification of the reasons not to use harmful substances, the legal issues involved with using drugs and alcohol, and rehabilitation of persons with a substance abuse problem. There were six units that covered the objectives for Substance Abuse Education. The Mentally Handicapped students were given a survey to determine if there was a need for such a program. After it was determined that a program was needed, 15 students were selected as the target group for the 11 week implementation period. A teacher-made pre/post test and unit quizes were developed to determine the students progress. This program will be continued at the practicum implementation site. Information concerning a materials bank for Substance Abuse Education will be disseminated to other on-site teachers, teachers in the feeder pattern schools, and will be forwarded to FDLRS for future use. (Appendices include graphic analysis of student progress, sample evaluation materials and worksheets# and teacher and student surveys.)

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