Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Vocabulary Development, Verbal Development, Generative Vocabulary, Keyword, Verbal Learning, Mnemonics, Words, Word Study, Word Games, Context Clues, Reading, Content Area, Learning Styles, Vocabulary Tests, College Entrance Exams, Vocabulary Improvement Project


Test scores, surveys, and student performance indicated that the target group of 62 honors sophomore students was not acquiring substantive vocabulary skills. A program incorporating the elements of an effective comprehension-based strategy involving definition knowledge with context, writing, student-generated vocabulary choices, and multiple exposures to the words was developed to improve vocabulary acquisition and retention. The results indicated a considerable gain in vocabulary acquisition, a good rate of retention, and positive student attitude toward the use of the varied strategies. Appendices include surveys, the pre and post-teat, strategy guidelines, parent information letter, analysis of scores, a examples assignment, and student extension activities.

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