"Developing An Information Handbook To Improve The Professional Orienta" by Jane H. Hargett

Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Media Specialist, Orientation Materials, School Libraries, Librarians, Library Administration, Library Services, Library Personnel, Guides, Staff Orientation.


After a survey of media specialists in a rapidly growing school district and Interviews with 10 library media supervisors in other school districts. It was determined that an Information handbook would improve the professional orientation of beginning media specialists by increasing their understanding of district policies and procedures. Policies and procedures were excerpted from two district policy books, and guidelines were taken from standard works on library administration. The format and organization of the handbook was designed to allow for easy revision. Library Media services Information Handbook was presented to the target group of beginning media specialists during individual orientation sessions held at their schools. The face-to-face orientation session allowed the beginning media specialists to ask questions and give feedback. At the end of the orientation session, the beginning media specialists evaluated the handbook and the orientation session with a checklist to estimate their improved understanding of library media policies and procedures. The Supervisor of Library Media Services gave input and approval to the development of the handbook and also evaluated it with a checklist. The results indicated that a handbook and orientation session improved beginning media specialists’ understanding of policies and procedures.

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