Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Education Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Critical Thinking, Logical Thinking, Productive Thinking, Parent Participation, Parent Education, Parent Child Relationship, Parent Student Relationship, Elementary Education, Primary Education, Intermediate Grades, Elementary School Students.


This project attempted to show the increased achievement of second grade students whose parents learned and applied critical thinking techniques. The implementation component encompassed a ten week segment: five training sessions and five written newsletters for parents. Without any changes in educational programs, teaching techniques or new materials in the classroom, students increased in achievement as measured and evaluated in three areas. Area I, content, was measured by the Cognitive Abilities Test (Riverside Publications), a professionally prepared test designed to assess the development of cognitive abilities related to verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning and problem solving. Area II, strategy, was measured through observation and evaluation by the classroom teacher using the Teacher Assessment Chart (Coronado Publications), a professionally prepared instrument designed to assess the students level of thinking. Area III, performance, was evaluated by parents’ feedback on a questionnaire which assessed students’ work habits and level of responsibility at home. It was concluded that parent participation in critical thinking can impact student achievement significantly. Appendices include a teacher survey, a sample parent training program agenda, initial parent questionnaire, sample parent training activity, sample newsletters, test results, a teacher assessment chart and a final questionnaire to parents.

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