Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Computer Literacy, Minimum Competencies, Elementary Education, intermediate Grades, Computers, Computer Assisted Instruction.


At the practicum site classroom teachers were not teaching nor were they prepared to teach, the State Computer Literacy Minimal Standard objectives. Teachers were not including computer curriculum in their lesson plans and cited the lack of structured curricular materials, experience, and training as their rationale. The practicum targeted fourth and fifth grade students, with an objective of 85 percent attaining mastery on the tested minimal standards and related objectives after completion of a Computer Literacy Program (CLP), and measured by an objective-based posttest. In order to accomplish this, teachers needed exposure to the field of compute education, particularly computer literacy. The practicum researcher compiled and organized a systematic CLP. Activities were correlated with the Florida Minimal Standard objectives and skills, and sequenced in a logical, teachable order. The program provided background and materials for implementation, and a teacher inservice component as solutions to the problem. Results of the posttest did not reflect mastery by 85 percent of the target/students, however significant gains were made on a pretest/posttest item comparison to conclude that the CLP was successful.

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